On Feb 20, 2009, at 8:37 AM, euronymous wrote:
David E Jones-3 wrote:
I'll try to look at that in the next day or two. It is probably a
place that doesn't uses the common tools and so gets around these


I'm asking you a favour :)

I'm analyzing all about your ESAPI/AntiSamy impementation.
Let me understand better: all the files where you put your
are traced in revisions 741857 and 742352?

Let me know if I'm missing some classes that are not listed in these two
I'm really interested about knowing exactly where did you put the code, to
understand Ofbiz internal architecture and how did you integrate esapi.

There are more commits than that. The easiest place to see them is probably FishEye:


You'll need to look back to 6 Feb, rev 741442, and as far forward as 10 Feb, rev 742866. Those two commit and most in between them are related to the canonicalization, HTML filtering/validation, and output encoding.


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