+1 - this is one of many of these types of things that would be great if we 
moved to the db.  Not sure of the entities at this point, but I'm all for the 

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


----- mrisal...@libero.it wrote:

> Hi to all,
> what did you think if we move the payment.properties to an entity ?
> I tried to having a more general entity but I have seen that every
> single payment gateway having different parameters and so I tried with
> the following example:
> <EnumerationType description="Payment Gateway Code"
> enumTypeId="PGW_CODE" hasTable="N" parentTypeId=""/>
> <Enumeration description="Gift Certificate" enumCode="GIFTCERTIFICATE"
> enumId="PGW_GIFTCERTIFICATE" sequenceId="01" enumTypeId="PGW_CODE"/>
> <Enumeration description="CyberSource" enumCode="CYBERSOURCE"
> enumId="PGW_CYBERSOURCE" sequenceId="02" enumTypeId="PGW_CODE"/>
> <Enumeration description="ClearCommerce" enumCode="CLEARCOMMERCE"
> enumId="PGW_CLEARCOMMERCE" sequenceId="03" enumTypeId="PGW_CODE"/>
> <Enumeration description="ValueLink" enumCode="VALUELINK"
> enumId="PGW_VALUELINK" sequenceId="04" enumTypeId="PGW_CODE"/>
> <Enumeration description="PayFlow Pro" enumCode="PAYFLOW"
> enumId="PGW_PAYFLOW" sequenceId="05" enumTypeId="PGW_CODE"/>
> <Enumeration description="WorldPay" enumCode="WORLDPAY"
> enumId="PGW_WORLDPAY" sequenceId="06" enumTypeId="PGW_CODE"/>
> <Enumeration description="PayPal" enumCode="PAYPAL"
> enumId="PGW_PAYPAL" sequenceId="07" enumTypeId="PGW_CODE"/>
> <Enumeration description="PCCharge" enumCode="PCCHARGE"
> enumId="PGW_PCCHARGE" sequenceId="08" enumTypeId="PGW_CODE"/>
> <Enumeration description="RiTA" enumCode="RITA" enumId="PGW_RITA"
> sequenceId="09" enumTypeId="PGW_CODE"/>
> <Enumeration description="Authorize.Net" enumCode="AUTHORIZEDOTNET"
> enumId="PGW_AUTHORIZEDOTNET" sequenceId="10" enumTypeId="PGW_CODE"/>
> <!-- Product store gateway setting -->
> <ProductStoreGatewaySetting productStoreId="9000"
> gatewayEnumId="PGW_PAYFLOW" attributeKey="certsPath"
> attributeValue="${sys:getProperty('ofbiz.home')}/applications/accounting/pfcerts"
> activeAttribute="Y" comment="Path the the VeriSign Certificate"/>
> <ProductStoreGatewaySetting productStoreId="9000"
> gatewayEnumId="PGW_PAYFLOW" attributeKey="hostAddress"
> attributeValue="test-payflow.verisign.com" activeAttribute="Y"
> comment="Address of the payment processor"/>
> <ProductStoreGatewaySetting productStoreId="9000"
> gatewayEnumId="PGW_PAYFLOW" attributeKey="hostPort"
> attributeValue="443" activeAttribute="Y" comment="Port of the payment
> processor"/>
> <ProductStoreGatewaySetting productStoreId="9000"
> gatewayEnumId="PGW_PAYFLOW" attributeKey="vendor"
> attributeValue="[Vendor]" activeAttribute="Y" comment="Payflow account
> information (Vendor)"/>
> <ProductStoreGatewaySetting productStoreId="9000"
> gatewayEnumId="PGW_PAYFLOW" attributeKey="user"
> attributeValue="[PayFlow UserID]" activeAttribute="Y" comment="Payflow
> account information (PayFlow UserID)"/>
> <ProductStoreGatewaySetting productStoreId="9000"
> gatewayEnumId="PGW_PAYFLOW" attributeKey="pwd"
> attributeValue="[PayFlow Password]" activeAttribute="Y"
> comment="Payflow account information (PayFlow Password)"/>
> <ProductStoreGatewaySetting productStoreId="9000"
> gatewayEnumId="PGW_PAYFLOW" attributeKey="partner"
> attributeValue="[PayFlow Partner]" activeAttribute="Y"
> comment="Payflow account information (PayFlow Partner)"/>
> <ProductStoreGatewaySetting productStoreId="9000"
> gatewayEnumId="PGW_PAYFLOW" attributeKey="checkAvs" attributeValue="Y"
> activeAttribute="Y" comment="Use Address Verification"/>
> <ProductStoreGatewaySetting productStoreId="9000"
> gatewayEnumId="PGW_PAYFLOW" attributeKey="checkCvv2"
> attributeValue="Y" activeAttribute="Y" comment="Require CVV2
> Verification"/>
> <ProductStoreGatewaySetting productStoreId="9000"
> gatewayEnumId="PGW_PAYFLOW" attributeKey="preAuth" attributeValue="Y"
> activeAttribute="Y" comment="Pre-Authorize Payments (if set to N will
> auto-capture)"/>
> <ProductStoreGatewaySetting productStoreId="9000"
> gatewayEnumId="PGW_PAYFLOW" attributeKey="enableTransmit"
> attributeValue="true" activeAttribute="Y" comment="Set to false to not
> transmit anything "/>
> Once we have it into the DB it could be extended in a custom
> components (hot-deploy) and it could be cashed and it could be no more
> necessary to restart OFBiz once you have to change a value into this
> property file.
> I have also moved those parameters at product store level so you could
> have different configuration by product store.
> It's only an idea and it could be introduced also after that new OFBiz
> release has been created.
> Any ideas and suggestions are welcomed because if it's working
> correctly for everyone it could be extended also to others property
> files (shipment.properties, catalog.properties, ...).
> Thanks in advance
> Marco

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