David E Jones wrote:
> This has been discussed a few times and I think is on a few of the lists
> around were people have brainstormed on things they'd like to
> add/change/etc. I'm personally very in favor of it and I do believe it
> has been needed for a long time.

Why not add support in the entity engine for proper entity extension?
 What I mean, is like the case for Party/Person/PartyGroup.  Instead
of having to fetch/update/etc each of those entities separately, the
entity engine will treat the sub-tables as one, and deal with a single
 entity during manipulation.

If a developer asks for a Party, they will actually get a
Person/PartyGroup, with all the correct fields.  If they ask for a
person, they will either get the wanted value, or maybe a CCE if it is
the other type.

I've had thoughts about this for a while, but never concrete enough to
turn into code.  I'm mostly just dumping my brainstorming onto the
list.  Anyone else have any thoughts?

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