A couple of notes:

1. if we add something to the entity engine to check this we would need to move the Status* entities from the common component to the entity component

2. I played with doing a separate method that genericized checking the StatusValidChange, but it made the code bigger and (IMO) more difficult to follow and customize, especially since the StatusValidChange checking is pretty simple in the first place. However, the code would be more generic and perhaps slightly more simply (ie maybe not fewer lines, but some of the lines would be less complex), so there might be some merit in it...

3. related to #1, but a variation on that approach: we could perhaps have a service that checks this generically that is called through an EECA or SECA rule, and then all we have to do is setup that ECA rule for each entity we want checked


On May 6, 2009, at 9:29 PM, Scott Gray wrote:

Hi All

Currently there is a ton of code in various places that checks to make sure a status change is valid using the StatusValidChange entity, and there are also places where there is no check even though records exist (createShipment for example). I'm wondering we couldn't add support for this to the entity engine itself so that it doesn't have to be done manually, we could add some sort of flag to the entity field def and then GenericEntity could perform the check when setting the field. Thoughts?

The only thing I'm not too sure on is the purpose of the condition field on StatusValidChange and how it is intended to be used, there are no examples of its use in the existing data.

Failing that I'd at least like to add a utility method and a simple method operation to simplify the task.


HotWax Media

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