as a devils advocate here I don't see any mention of hackers, after all
this is security. for instance I think it is harder to override security
built into the code than security external like a database.
A database can be compromised and there goes your security.

Adrian Crum sent the following on 5/17/2009 10:04 PM:
> --- On Sun, 5/17/09, David E Jones <> wrote:
>> If I understand correctly what you are describing above it
>> is simply  
>> record level permissions. And yes, I agree that is a
>> common  
>> requirement that we've discussed quite a bit. I'm worried
>> I'm  
>> misunderstanding though because I'm not sure how that fits
>> with  
>> comment...
> It fits into the design objective because it takes the record-level filtering 
> out of code and puts it in assigned permissions. Isn't that one of the 
> objectives? Remove the security checking that is embedded in code and put it 
> in the database where an administrator can assign it to a user.
> Instead of hard-coding record-level permission checking inside some other 
> service, extract the record-level permission checking code, make it a 
> service, and assign the service as part of a user's permissions.
> It's clear we have disconnected somewhere. The existing entity engine doesn't 
> know about security. It works with not-logged-in users and anonymous users 
> and whatever else comes along. I'm not suggesting we change any of that. Keep 
> it all the same. But add the ability to restrict records based on the user. 
> If there is no user, then it does what it has always done. I don't know how 
> else I can say it. *shrug*
> -Adrian

BJ Freeman
Systems Integrator.

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