Actually, I just converted EntityListIterator to an interface and everything works fine. It ended up being a trivial change.

I'll wait for any objections before committing it.


Adrian Crum wrote:
One problem I just ran into while implementing the security redesign:

EntityListIterator implements ListIterator, but code throughout the project references EntityListIterator (a concrete class) instead of ListIterator (an interface).

I would like to refactor that so that the interface is used instead of the concrete class. What do you think?


Adrian Crum wrote:
--- On Wed, 8/12/09, Adrian Crum <> wrote:

Let's say we're working on the entity component. Just
extract interfaces from the commonly used classes, move them
to framework/api, update import statements, compile, test,
commit. It seems pretty straightforward to me.

Crow tastes nasty.

After trying to implement my example, I can see the problems. Wow, that is ugly. One thing is certain, we're very good at painting ourselves into corners.


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