On Aug 12, 2009, at 3:51 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

David E Jones wrote:
That sounds pretty backwards Adrian, ie do the security changes and then do the execution context.

Actually, no. The ExecutionContext was first mentioned in the security redesign document. The multi-tenancy aspect was mentioned afterward.

My employer has no need for multi-tenancy. However, my employer could really use the new security design. So, I'm trying to get the new security design into the project in a way that is compatible with your multi-tenancy plans.

The changes I committed meet *those* goals. I don't see where my commits prevent you from implementing multi-tenancy. If your goal is to have code reference the delegator as an interface, then what's the problem? I did that for you. If you want to have the delegator interface in a different folder, then fine - move it there.

As I keep saying, it doesn't have to be "all or nothing." We can bring the concepts into the project a little at a time. I don't see the multi-tenancy thing being completed any time soon - there is far too much work to be done. In the meantime, why hold up the security redesign?

Actually, I have no intention of implementing multi-tenancy support, I suppose unless someone comes along and pays me to do it or something.

The point is to add in the flexibility for these things. It's true we can certainly implement some things and not others, but please understand (as I mentioned before) that the changes you made conflict with the changes I was working on in the branch, in somewhat major ways, and will require a fair amount of manual rework to get things going again there.

That said, I still haven't seen how you resolved the dependency issue, even on the security side of things. If we have an execution context that depends on the service engine, which depends on the entity engine, and the entity engine contains or depends on the execution context, then we have a circular dependency. Short of combining those components onto a single classpath we have a problem.

With that problem instead of going in the direction of making MORE dependencies between the framework components, I decided on a direction to go for LESS dependencies between the framework components by using a set of interfaces that represent the main tools in the framework and provide the most common API elements that people might need/want.

In other words, this refactoring is not just for multi-tenancy purposes, and in fact that is just a nice side effect (ie those along with many things will be easier to implement). As I see it for the security implementation we'll have these dependency problems as well and we need some solution for them...


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