
As I mentioned in that other message the general idea with the OFBADMIN space is that it is maintained by PMC members. To be more blunt, the vote may go another way (no responses to your message to the private@ mailing list yet), but chances are you will not be granted permission in that space because you are not on the PMC. In fact, before we can even decide we have to discuss whether or not to change the general practice so far of only allowing PMC members to change the admin space documents. In other words, it's not a simple thing especially as it brings up a request for a change in how things are currently managed.

In other other words, it might be easiest to put your content in a wiki (OFBIZ space) page, and then request that the images and wiki text be moved over to the page in the OFBADMIN space.


On Aug 31, 2009, at 1:29 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

Thanks David. I now understand. I shall request access from the committee. Don't want to make any more work for anyone since its not a big deal for me to do it myself.


Tim Ruppert wrote:
Thanks for the clarification David - my apologies.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Aug 31, 2009, at 12:57 PM, David E Jones wrote:

I'm not in a position to approve or disapprove anything... in fact the whole idea is a bit silly since it's never been done like that, and really never should be done like that.

The PMC votes on all decisions related to write access to resources (at least since the PMC has existed, ie since joining the ASF). I'll certainly participate in the vote, and my vote will be one of the 12 possible votes with current the 12 PMC members:

To contact the PMC please send a message to:

About this space, the OFBADMIN one, it's traditionally been only changeable by PMC members. The rest are changeable by all committers, and by anyone who expresses an interest in working on documentation and is voted in by the PMC.

The easiest way to get a change into that page is to make a change in the wiki (OFBIZ) space or somewhere, and then submit a request by Jira or the dev list to have that content moved to the page in the OFBADMIN space.

BTW, Ruth you currently have write access to the OFBENDUSER, OFBTECH, and of course the OFBIZ space since anyone with an account can write there.


On Aug 31, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

Thanks everyone!
I await David's approval :-)

Tim Ruppert wrote:
It looks like she just wants to edit the page - which I can give perms to - but I would like for David or whoever makes those decisions to say - Yeah, go ahead Ruth! I doubt it will be an issue, I've just never granted this stuff myself :) As for the SVN stuff - that's definitely the way to go.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Aug 31, 2009, at 10:58 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:


If the page Ruth needs to modify is in the SVN space, then she could do an SVN checkout, make her changes, and provide a patch.


Tim Ruppert wrote:
So, you're just saying you'd like to write to that page - that makes perfect sense and is something that I know that David (and possibly me) - but I'm not sure how to make it happen. Anyways, I'm sure that Wiki privileges will be attainable.
Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media
On Aug 31, 2009, at 9:46 AM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
Hi Tim:
I'd just like to write to the website location . Not sure if this is doc spaces or part of SVN. Don't know how the project website with Apache is set up.

Tim Ruppert wrote:
Do you not have write access to the docs spaces or are you looking for write access to the actual site in SVN? If you're looking for that - good luck. I've been a committer for almost 3 years and still don't have access to that!

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Aug 31, 2009, at 7:45 AM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

Hello All:
How can I get my e-books listed on the OFBiz website? I have two books that I've written and I would like to make them available to anyone interested. Specifically, I'd like to list them under "Learning".


If you give me access to the site, I can do the HTML edits myself.


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