openjdk is becoming part of several linux distributions, mac os leopard includes only jre 1.6, so by now it is probably easier to update an old installation than to downgrade a new one. jre 1.5 has been an "alien" on windows and linux all this time, so once again it should be easy for these systems to update...

On 13 Nov 2009, at 16:23, Adrian Crum wrote:

Running OFBiz on 1.6 is a good idea, because (Sun claims) 1.6 performs better than 1.5.

The downside is, there might be servers out there that don't have a 1.6 JRE available. I would like to see us move on to 1.6 (especially now that 1.7 is near), but I'm concerned for existing installations.


Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Hi devs,
I don't remember why we still use 1.5. Here is a thread from 2006 .
Maybe it's time to think anew about it, don't you think so ?

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