I will commit soon using DBCP r835956 and this problem will have dissapeared.
As not much as been done from Postgres to support JDBC 4 we don't need really to turn to new drivers OOTB and if someone needs them (on another DB or context or what else) s/he could do it anyway but will have to replace the DBCP (it's easily done)

It's also good to know that not much has been lost, from a platform POV, when 
using 1.6.


From: "Scott Gray" <scott.g...@hotwaxmedia.com>
What is not clear to me is what are we missing out on by supporting both as we currently do, I think DBCP is an odd case because they obviously have tried to support 1.5 but it seems there are a couple of very minor bugs that prevent that support.

Other than DBCP what would we actually change (and why) that would  prevent 1.5 


HotWax Media

On 14/11/2009, at 8:46 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Sun :
Java SE & Java SE for Business Support Road Map (JDKs End of Life)

1.6 supported systems

15 supported systems

Conclusion (I don't list what is better, only what miss from 1.5 to  1.6)
Better for Solaris (no surprises)

Windows x86
no longer : Windows 98 (2nd Edition) and  Windows ME (who cares ?)
no longer : Windows Server 2003, Web Edition (R2, SP1, SP2) and Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (R2, SP1, SP2) ( a bit more
annoying maybe)
but still : Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (R2, SP1, SP2)  and Windows 
Server 2003, DataCenter Edition (R2, SP1, SP2)

Windows x64 32-bit mode
no longer : Windows Server 2008 Datacenter (SP1, SP2)  and Windows  Web Server 
2008 (SP1, SP2)
but still : Windows Server 2008 Standard (SP1, SP2) and Windows  Server 2008 
Enterprise (SP1, SP2)

Linux x86
no longer : TurboLinux 8.0
but : Turbo Linux 10 (ONLY Chinese and Japanese Locales. No English.)

Linux x64 32-bit mode
new : Turbo Linux 10 (ONLY Chinese and Japanese Locales. No English.)

From this I can see only problems with
Windows Server 2003, Web Edition and Standard Edition
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter and Web Server
TurboLinux 8.0

Should this only stop us to migrate to jdk 1.6? Personnaly I don't  think so, 
now it's the community to decide...

PS :
Postgres does not really bring much with JDBC4 drivers (could be : 
<<JDK 1.6 - JDBC4. Support for JDBC4 methods is limited. The driver  builds, but the 
majority of new methods are stubbed out. >>
I come to it from this discussion 

A benchmark while at it 

From: "Jacques Le Roux" <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>
Thanks Adrian,

So it's the same concern than 3 years ago, I will check...


From: "Adrian Crum" <adri...@hlmksw.com>
Running OFBiz on 1.6 is a good idea, because (Sun claims) 1.6  performs
better than 1.5.

The downside is, there might be servers out there that don't have  a 1.6
JRE available. I would like to see us move on to 1.6 (especially now
that 1.7 is near), but I'm concerned for existing installations.


Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Hi devs,

I don't remember why we still use 1.5. Here is a thread from 2006
Maybe it's time to think anew about it, don't you think so ?


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