I figured out how to send it to the search and will get this updated ASAP.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Nov 29, 2009, at 12:09 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:

No problemo. Now we need to update our site to be able to search the right stuff from ofbiz.apache.org now that this is complete. Also, we need to get a theme back in place now that this upgrade is done ... Not sure if I'll be able to get to this this week, but we should do it really soon.

Why when I click that link below does it make me walk a directory tree before coming to a home page? Is that a problem where I went to the wrong spot or is this normal? Where can I send the form submission for our search from the ofbiz.apache.org/index page?

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Nov 29, 2009, at 11:58 AM, David E Jones wrote:

The content from docs.ofbiz.org has been moved to the official ASF server:


All of the OFBiz spaces look like they are imported and in place. From the Dashboard page just look for the "OFBiz ..." spaces. I renamed them so all 5 of them would be together in the list.

I was able to remove the older spaces that Gavin setup for us a LONG time ago, so we just have the imported ones.

The permissions should also be set so these are writable again.

However, permissions are probably a bit messed up since only people with accounts on the new server, with the same username, will have permissions retained.

For all committers: please send me and email with your username on cwiki.apache.org and I'll add you to the ofbiz-committers group so you'll have write access again.

For other who had permissions: if you find you're not able to edit something that you used to be able to, please let me know (and please send your cwiki.apache.org username when you do).

To Jacques and Tim and others who helped: thank you for making this happen!


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