Group the screen settings by screen name. Use the user preferences services to get all settings for the current screen. The service returns a Map, where the key is the setting's name, and the value is the setting's value.


Bruno Busco wrote:
Sorry, for sure I am missing something but...

if the prim-key is
     <prim-key field="userLoginId"/>
     <prim-key field="userPrefTypeId"/>
and we want to use:

userLoginId -> to specify the user the setting belongs to (i.e. admin)
userPrefTypeId -> to specify the screen setting name (i.e.
userPrefGroupTypeId -> to specify the screen where the settings
belongs to, how can we have two settings (i.e. keywordsearchbox)

how can I have two different settings with the same name but different
screen, that is what the change is all about?


2009/12/8 Adrian Crum <>:
No. The userPrefGroupTypeId field is optional, therefore it cannot be part
of the primary key. Use the user preference services to get preference

I believe most (if not all) widget model classes have a getName() method.


Bruno Busco wrote:
Hi Adrian,
I am trying to implement as you suggested but I found two difficulties:

1) the entity UserPreference has the following prim-key:
     <prim-key field="userLoginId"/>
     <prim-key field="userPrefTypeId"/>

while it should be
     <prim-key field="userLoginId"/>
     <prim-key field="userPrefGroupTypeId"/>
     <prim-key field="userPrefTypeId"/>

to do what you propose. Should we change it?

2) how to retrieve the screen name from a screenlet widget rendering code?
I mean I need to pass the screen name to the ftl macro in the like this:
       StringWriter sr = new StringWriter();
       sr.append("<@renderScreenletBegin ");
       sr.append("\" id=\"");
       sr.append("\" title=\"");
       sr.append("\" collapsible=");
but how to retrieve the ?

Many thanks for any help.

2009/12/7 Adrian Crum <>:
Then do the same thing in the model widget code.


Bruno Busco wrote:
This would mean to change all the screens! :-(

2009/12/7 Adrian Crum <>:
<screen name="MyScreen">
         <service service-name="getUserPreferenceGroup">
             <field-map field-name="userPrefGroupTypeId"
         <set field="screenSettings" from-field="userPrefMap"/>

Bruno Busco wrote:
sorry for the bad sentence, I couldn't even read myself.
I meant that GLOBAL_PREFERENCES gets already loaded in the

So now we have two options to have screenlets with the same id saved
1) Use a screen related userPrefGroupTypeId.
2) Combine the screen name for the preference key

I will work on it...

Thank you,

2009/12/7 Bilgin Ibryam <>:
Bruno Busco wrote:
Thank you Adrian,
but then how to the theme loaded easily? The global ones are already
loaded along the selected theme etc.


Or you can combine the screen name and sceenlet id for the preference
instead of  ("_collapsed" )


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