Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> First, I  must say that maybe my view is biased because I have no time
> to look at git and I'm a bit jealous :/
> My point was that it allows you to work a long time alone on a (possibly
> large) task.
> And even if you break it after in several svn commits it's still a lot
> of commit to review in a single shoot. I agree it's easier than a large
> svn commit though. I understand that having a big work to do it's
> certainly better to use git. The only point which concern me is that
> needs, at least, some collaboration/exchanges before diving in lonesome
> work.
> Maybe practice will show how to do it better. But as I said I'm still
> far from being ready to switch from svn to git.
> Hope I have passed my feeling

Git also allows you to publish your local cloned repository, *before*
you commit it back upstream into svn, so people can comment on it
earlier.  You can then rewrite your local history, taking into
consideration all suggestions, and when it's finally right, the final
commit to svn is clean and has no cruft.

Git has plugins to commit an entire new feature as a series of patches
in jira.  I haven't yet used this plugin tho.

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