My preference would still be to have one roll-back per test-suite, which 
basically means one transaction per XML file. If you want the tests to use the 
same data then put them in the same file. If you want them to use different 
data, then they go in their own files.

I'm unclear about something in your message though: are you saying you are 
doing it below and it's not meeting your needs, or that you would like to be 
able to do it as below?


On Dec 11, 2009, at 3:54 AM, Scott Gray wrote:

> We've had this discussion before, here is last one I could find: 
> The solution I would like to propose for the problem David described is for 
> us to make more use of the test-group child element of test-suite and have 
> tests within those groups rollback as a group, for all other test cases we'd 
> roll them back as soon as they complete.  Here's an example of what I'm 
> talking about since that description probably did nothing for you:
> <test-suite>
>  <test-case/>
>  <!-- Rollback here -->
>  <test-case/>
>  <!-- Rollback here -->
>  <test-case/>
>  <!-- Rollback here -->
>  <!-- No rollbacks inside the test group -->
>  <test-group>
>    <test-case/>
>    <test-case/>
>  </test-group>
>  <!-- Rollback here -->
> </test-suite>
> A common problem I'm seeing is that we want to run multiple tests on the same 
> piece of demo data but can't because the previous test has already altered 
> it.  An example might be where you want to try shipping a single order in 
> various different splits but you can't do that at the moment without having a 
> separate demo order for each test.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks
> Scott
> HotWax Media

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