W make extensive use of the rollback pre test case paradigm for our proprietary 
application. It is invaluable.  The test cases may run a little slower than if 
the setup/rollback was performed per suite, but the inter-testcase dependancies 
would be a nightmare for us to manage.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Gray" <scott.g...@hotwaxmedia.com>
To: dev@ofbiz.apache.org
Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009 3:14:26 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: Delegator rollback per test case?

I'd really rather not have this idea die with a single response, I've  
done my best to describe the perceived benefits and it would be good  
to get some additional feedback from anyone who is interested.


On 13/12/2009, at 8:20 PM, Scott Gray wrote:

> My intention was generally to have one test suite per sub-package  
> e.g. one for org.ofbiz.accounting.finaccount, one for  
> org.ofbiz.accounting.fixedasset, etc.
> Lets say I want to run 50 different order processing tests,  
> cancellations, edits, authorizations, packing, etc.  To do this I  
> have to either create 50 different demo orders which is time  
> consuming or I have to split them up into different test suites  
> which will quickly leave us with a huge number of test suites all  
> doing very similar things.
> Aside from the above there are a few other things I don't like about  
> having only one rollback per test suite:
> - When adding a new test case to a suite you have no idea what state  
> the database will be in unless you inspect all of the other test  
> cases in the suite and understand what they are doing.
> - It makes test cases more difficult to maintain because you have no  
> idea where the dependencies are within a suite.  With the change I'm  
> suggesting you would need to be explicit about dependancies by  
> putting the cases in a test group.
> - If you make some application code or demo data changes and 10 test  
> cases in a suite start failing you have no idea if it's because a  
> single case is failing and the others depend on it or because your  
> changes are causing wide spread problems.  Knowing the dependancies  
> helps the developer to understand how big the problem is before they  
> go through and examine every failed case.
> Ultimately my only goal here is to make writing tests easier, I'm  
> not approaching it with any idealistic "this is how tests should be  
> conducted" mentality.  The easier we can make it, the more likely it  
> is that people will actually write them.
>> I'm unclear about something in your message though: are you saying  
>> you are doing it below and it's not meeting your needs, or that you  
>> would like to be able to do it as below?
> I'm not sure what you mean, what I'm suggesting below isn't  
> currently possible.  The test-group tag actually does nothing at the  
> moment (other than add the child test cases to the suite, which is  
> the same as not having it at all).
> Regards
> Scott
> On 13/12/2009, at 3:44 PM, David E Jones wrote:
>> My preference would still be to have one roll-back per test-suite,  
>> which basically means one transaction per XML file. If you want the  
>> tests to use the same data then put them in the same file. If you  
>> want them to use different data, then they go in their own files.
>> I'm unclear about something in your message though: are you saying  
>> you are doing it below and it's not meeting your needs, or that you  
>> would like to be able to do it as below?
>> -David
>> On Dec 11, 2009, at 3:54 AM, Scott Gray wrote:
>>> We've had this discussion before, here is last one I could find: 
>>> http://markmail.org/message/ftvs45vnzlobo7hb
>>> The solution I would like to propose for the problem David  
>>> described is for us to make more use of the test-group child  
>>> element of test-suite and have tests within those groups rollback  
>>> as a group, for all other test cases we'd roll them back as soon  
>>> as they complete.  Here's an example of what I'm talking about  
>>> since that description probably did nothing for you:
>>> <test-suite>
>>> <test-case/>
>>> <!-- Rollback here -->
>>> <test-case/>
>>> <!-- Rollback here -->
>>> <test-case/>
>>> <!-- Rollback here -->
>>> <!-- No rollbacks inside the test group -->
>>> <test-group>
>>>  <test-case/>
>>>  <test-case/>
>>> </test-group>
>>> <!-- Rollback here -->
>>> </test-suite>
>>> A common problem I'm seeing is that we want to run multiple tests  
>>> on the same piece of demo data but can't because the previous test  
>>> has already altered it.  An example might be where you want to try  
>>> shipping a single order in various different splits but you can't  
>>> do that at the moment without having a separate demo order for  
>>> each test.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Thanks
>>> Scott
>>> HotWax Media
>>> http://www.hotwaxmedia.com

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