I guess you're doing what we did at our beginning.

David is a superman, we are not, so we have to do it in another way.

We decided to use OpenCms as the frontend several years ago, and then
the developers can be divided into 3 groups: UI developers (require JSP
only), OpenCms module developers (reusable GUIs and functions), OFBiz
service developers (extend OFBiz RMI/data to support OpenCms modules).
Now we also use portlets and flashes as UI.

Fish-bone diagram is helpful to analyse a business and implement it in
OFBiz. "Old OFBiz Standard Floating Layout" is more helpful to combine
consultant works with the OFBiz UI.

My 2 cents,

Shi Yusen/Beijing Langhua Ltd.

在 2009-12-20日的 09:02 +0530,Vasanth Kamatgi写道: 
> You have summed it up well David.  I am looking exactly at that problem.
> We had not seen these problems when we started out with Ofbiz, nor did we
> visualize at that time (4 years back) that we would face problems like
> these, in future.  I think it is a typical scale-up stage issue that Ofbiz
> doesn't solve well where functionality and UI throughput expected is
> exponentially large and complete team is not as multi-disciplined as the
> original team was.  I also think that Ofbiz presentation layer is a legacy
> of MVC-II paradigm, which was in vogue at the time of design of Ofbiz and
> which is now being *contested* by Component based frameworks like JSF, Flex
> and Wicket.
> 1) I would like to hear from others, their views on the subject
> 2) How have other organizations handled this issue?  Are there alternatives
> within the existing Ofbiz framework, people have successfully employed?
> 3) I am not aware, how to kick-off the analysis, requirement comparison, POC
> etc. activities.  Guidance by community gurus would be a great help.
> Cheers,
> Vasanth
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David E Jones [mailto:d...@me.com] 
> Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 2:09 AM
> To: dev@ofbiz.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Using Apache Wicket in Ofbiz presentation layer
> To sum up:
> 1. you want a full separation of concerns for the different roles in your
> organization, something that won't require additional training beyond their
> existing skill set
> 2. you want no dependencies between different roles so they can't mess each
> other up or slow each other down
> 3. Apache Wicket will provide these things
> Does that sound about right?
> This sounds amazing! I can't wait to the see the results of an analysis and
> comparison for each requirement, and a proof of concept and per-activity
> comparison between the different approaches.
> -David
> On Dec 19, 2009, at 11:55 AM, Vasanth Kamatgi wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Firstly I would like to thank David E. Jones
> > <http://www.blogger.com/profile/07283017166339658819> , for his
> > encouragement to use the community process.
> > 
> > I had previously posted a question in this community at
> >
> http://n4.nabble.com/Application-framework-technology-set-tp195713p963334.ht
> > ml as a very terse summary of my thoughts.  After having a private
> > conversation with David, I thought a much in-depth discussion on the
> > presentation layer would be beneficial to me as well as the community and
> > consequently I am starting a new thread of discussion.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Here is my primary complaint of Ofbiz presentation Layer - "There isn't a
> > STRICT separation of UI / Code in the presentation layer.  Due to this
> > deficiency, for any revamp in the UI, even though there is no associated
> > change in the functionality / business logic, it takes substantial amount
> of
> > developer time.  I see this as a major hindrance to a typical ecommerce
> > website, where UI changes are frequent as well as significant."
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > To give more insight into why I have this complaint, let me raise some
> > questions (and answer them):
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > What I think a presentation Layer does?
> > 
> > =============================
> > 
> > I believe presentation layer can be divided into 6 areas of concern:
> > 
> > Data Preparation - Events / Service (a.k.a actions) generate data that
> need
> > to be processed to result into a *shape* that can be directly used by a
> > view.  Eg., only product category id exists in context, we need to display
> > category name as well - fetch it.
> > 
> > Layout - It controls the relative position of each of the components
> inside
> > a page.  Wireframes used to build the page.
> > 
> > Page composition - Different areas of the page can be generated by a
> > separate component / screen, and the generated output needs to be stitched
> > together to result into a complete response
> > 
> > Look and Feel - Visual properties of components of the page (css?)
> > 
> > View Logic - The logic that controls the initial state of each elements of
> > the output - like enabling, disabling, non-display etc., of specific
> output
> > elements. Eg., if sale price exists, show it in large red font, strike
> > through the list price, else show list price in large font.
> > 
> > Rich dynamic behaviour - the dynamic behaviour that each of the generated
> > output needs to provide inside user-agent's environment (javascript /
> dhtml)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > How have I set the things up in Ofbiz?
> > 
> > ===========================
> > 
> > 1.  I have created my primary page layout a.k.a. decorator in
> > common-screens.xml using sections, actions, widgets, html-templates,
> > containers, etc.
> > 2.  I have abstracted out the common section contents as say,
> > includes/header.ftl etc.
> > 3.  I have created components of a page such as choose catalog, keyword
> > search box, etc. as screens (non-top level) using actions and html
> templates
> > in, say, catalog-screens.xml
> > 4.  I create a complete response page as a screen in catalog-screens.xml
> > using actions, widgets, decorator-screen, decorator-section,
> include-screen,
> > etc. in, say, catalog-screens.xml
> > 5.  I specify this top-level page as view, which I link to the
> > associated event / service via request map in controller.xml
> > 
> > The actual response out is defined in html fragments in various files
> > defined in #2, #3 & #4
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Exactly what is it that I find cumbersome?
> > 
> > ==============================
> > 
> > UI Designer prepares the prototype, hands it over to the Ofbiz developer,
> > who splits it into different fragments, and creates ftls for each of those
> > sections.  Then, adds page composition, view logic and rich dynamic
> > behaviour to those ftls.  This complete sequence of steps is irreversible.
> > Once handover happens from UI designer to Ofbiz developer, the html / css
> > ceases to exist in its native form, making it impossible for the UI
> designer
> > to "maintain" it.  Any UI bug / change request cannot be fixed by UI
> > designer.  UI designer first analyses the problem reports the possible
> > causes to Ofbiz developer, who figures out which ftl file to edit and goes
> > and edits it.  If a drop down box needs to move from one widget to
> another,
> > Ofbiz developer employs a cut+paste job that can be so error-prone with
> > missing tag closures, quotes, duplicates etc.  There have been so many
> > instances of Ofbiz developer trying to fix UI issues, but failing to do so
> > because he / she is good at writing java-like, jsp-like and
> javascript-like
> > code and not standards-compliant html / css code.  He can't use visual
> tools
> > like a UI designer to improve his productivity.  Throw into this mix the
> > cross-browser compatibility issue - the whole effort becomes very
> > unproductive with UI designer, Ofbiz developer working together to fix it,
> > when it should actually be handled by UI designer alone.
> > 
> > Ofbiz supports data preparation, page composition, view logic well.  But
> > other areas are a little troublesome.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > How would I like it to work?
> > 
> > ====================
> > 
> > Different areas of concern, as listed in my previous paragraph, are best
> > worked at by different types of resources.  Assuming we are using java
> > platform for development:
> > 
> > Data Preparation - java coder
> > 
> > Layout - UI designer / business analyst / SEO specialist
> > 
> > Page composition - java / jsp coder
> > 
> > Look and Feel - User Experience expert
> > 
> > View Logic - java / jsp coder
> > 
> > Rich dynamic behaviour - script coder / java coder
> > 
> > Given these different areas of expertise, a software development /
> > maintenance model needs to be employed to enable these types of resources
> to
> > work at full productivity without tripping each other.  Cutting a long
> story
> > short, I believe, Ofbiz should enable html, css, multi-media & view logic
> to
> > be developed and managed independently.  UI designer should continue to
> fix
> > UI bugs by just editing his / her html code.  There should be no pollution
> > of html and css code.  View logic should be written without using tags.
> > 
> > I have dived into wicket and wrote my first hello world recently and
> believe
> > wicket-like rendering would be a good enhancement to Ofbiz.  I am not
> > claiming to be an expert of wicket, but based on the documentation I have
> > read, it seems to fit the scheme well.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I hope I have given enough details for the community to start a
> > conversation.  I understand that, the question begs of not only an
> > architectural discussion, but also of a software development / maintenance
> > model.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > Vasanth

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