David E Jones wrote:
That does sound like a good solution Ean.

Currently the only way to refund against an order is to choose an OrderItem 
(through ReturnItem) or OrderAdjustment (through ReturnAdjustment) and attach 
the refund to that.

I was thinking you could use ReturnItem for this, but it has a FK to OrderItem 
(ie you can't populate the orderId and leave the orderItemSeqId null), and 
while I haven't looked into it I think the code for returns depends on a 
productId being present for a ReturnItem and such.

On the other hand, it might be easier to change the return code to allow a 
ReturnItem to not have a orderItemSeqId than it would be to add the orderId and 
related functionality to the ReturnAdjustment.
I have an implementation here that will successfully return an adjustment only return all the way through to crediting a billing account. I am having trouble with having the return payment capture to an invoice but I'm not sure whether that is related. Adding the orderId was pretty straightforward.

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