Adrian Crum wrote:
> David E Jones wrote:
>> On Dec 28, 2009, at 4:32 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>> From: "Ean Schuessler" <>
>>>> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>> Thanks, I saw that but was not sure how to use it. I remember now
>>>>> why I
>>>>> created Java services. I needed to create a PartyGroup. So initially I
>>>>> looked for a service and found createPartyGroup wich is implemented
>>>>> by a
>>>>> method in Then I continued in Java :/.
>>>>> Now I wonder what we should do regarding your sentence <<I've
>>>>> thought a
>>>>> few times that maybe it's not the best idea to do so, and instead
>>>>> whenever a party is implied to be in a role if they are not already
>>>>> then
>>>>> they should be added automatically.>> in
>>>> I always took this to be a security thing, that a role must be
>>>> authorized before it can be used in relationships and other structures.
>>> If the aplication needs to create a PartyRole, I can't see any
>>> reasons to not let it do it automatically
>> The original idea was to use this as an extra protection, ie so users
>> don't describe a party's relationship with something else using a
>> certain role if the party isn't really in that role.
>> The result, however, is that it is cumbersome, a real pain, and a
>> common complaint... which is why I'm for changing the default behavior.
> Maybe have it configurable in a properties file, like
> requirePartyRole=true or enforcePartyRole=true.

Not the best, as existing code in ofbiz which uses this service may
break if that property setting is changed.  However, maybe adding a
boolean flag to the service definition, defaulted to false, would
help.  Adding the single flag to all the callers would still be a win,
rather than keeping the role creation stuff everywhere.

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