I was for the tests-*.xml type of file because it was consistent with services defintions files names. But I should say that I don't like to have dashes and underscores in names at large (should I say that it remains me my 1st and only short experience with Cobol 25 years ago ). It would be even easier to have camel-cased and an upper-case first letter almost everywhere it makes sense (of course keeping uppercase for static var and camel-cased and a lower-case first letter for methods, and anyway Sun conventions for Java languages). Then you don't have to guess about how to write a name.

So +1 for David's proposition.


From: "David E Jones" <d...@me.com>

Actually, most XML files in OFBiz these days (with just a few exceptions) 
follow a patterns like:

... etc

By that pattern the test files should be *Tests.xml, with the rest of the file 
camel-cased and an upper-case first letter.


On Dec 29, 2009, at 6:44 PM, David E Jones wrote:

Why not camel case them like most other files?


On Dec 29, 2009, at 1:05 PM, Bilgin Ibryam wrote:

Vikas Mayur wrote:

The test definition files name is not consistent throughout the project. Some of the files name is all lowercase and others have camel case pattern.

I think we can follow the pattern used in service definition files.

The files under accounting/testdef are


and would be (after this change)

tests.xml (generic test)
tests_invoice.xml (tests specific to invoices)
tests_payment.xml (tests specific to payments)
tests_fixedasset.xml (tests specific to fixed assets)

Any thoughts?


+ 1 for a naming pattern. The above proposal is fine for me.


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