From: "David E Jones" <>
On Feb 8, 2010, at 5:14 PM, Adam Heath wrote:

Adam Heath wrote:
We've got a client that wants to offer free shipping based on certain
conditions; namely, whether the order > a certain dollar amount.   If
the condition matches, then they can get the cheapest free shipping,
but only to a particular region, namely USA, and standard mail.

I can't see how to do that in the promo system.  I can match a promo
by total $$ amount.  I can't then give free
shipping(ProductPromoWorker references PROMO_FREE_SHIPPING, but that
isn't in the seed data).  Even fixing that problem, I don't see a way
to change the list of available shipping methods for a product store.

Can anyone offer any pointers?

Set a minimum price on the ProductStoreShipmentMeth, set an
includeGeoId.  That'll allow a shipping method to show up with an
appropriate name, saying it is free shipping.

I still don't know how to keep the user from being charged for
shipping.  We'd like the shipping charge to show up as a separate line
item in the accounting system, I just don't want the user to be
charged for it.  Maybe an OrderAdjustment that negates the shipping
charge, but I don't see how to do that.

It looks like you found it. Yes, there used to be a promo rule action for free shipping, but it stopped working after a ShoppingCart refactor a LONG time ago and was never fixed because the shipping price calculation tends to do most of what people want, or I guess is good enough...


I thought there has been a replacement for the promo rule action for free shipping (in trunk - only? - some months ago while the promo stuff has been refactored) and that now it worked again. May someone confirm?


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