Adrian Crum wrote:
> Who suggested removing them? They are being moved to a different package. As 
> I already said - an existing installation can do a simple search and replace 
> to accommodate that. Plus, as I have also pointed out, changes like this have 
> been done in the past with no regard to release version compatibility.

Just because it wasn't done correctly in the past does not mean it
should be done incorrectly now.

> So, yes - this is a thread hijack. What I am suggesting has been done many 
> times before with no warning or discussion, but now it has become an issue. 
> Why should the change I'm proposing follow some new rule? Are you going to 
> make that rule retroactive? How many files in the trunk have been 
> changed/moved/deleted in a backwards-incompatible way since the R 9.04 branch?

As ofbiz gets bigger, and used by more people, we *will* have to be
considerate of upgrades between major versions.

> If you want to make new rules, then fine - start a new thread for that. And 
> make sure the new rules apply to the next release, not to the trunk.

Um, the trunk is the next release.  Why can't you see that?

> For now, it would help if we could stay on subject.

This is on subject, you just don't see it.

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