Le 19/03/2010 16:16, Ean Schuessler a écrit :
First, if you haven't, read this discussion on the OpenTaps forums about OFBiz:


Leaving aside whether OpenTaps should continue to be based on OFBiz, one of the 
major undercurrents of the disucssion is that OFBiz has user interface 
problems. While there continue to be usability issues I think that we have 
recently made a big enough dent to do some before and after comparisons. I 
think we should do a major feature about this on the website with copious 
screenshots you can reach in a single click. It should probably even be our 
leading image for the large image rotator. We should also try to figure out how 
to do a press release of some kind about it and get it into ERP press.

I think Tomahawk and the recent addition of the friendly AJAX lookups can be massaged 
into a "OFBiz gets a major interface overhaul" story and I think that will 
bring us a lot of benefit. Can I get a +1?

+1 ! Thanks for starting it !


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