Hi Adrian, I've been thinking about this too. I think there will be a lot of merit in combining the power of minilang + the power of groovy.

I'm still reading about groovying meta programming and DSL's, and I don't yet understand the service engine under the hood, so I'm really just thinking aloud here:

Could the groovy service class instance have the following methods injected: entityOne(), makeValue(), returnSuccess(), createEntity(), etc? That way, we wouldn't need a reference to the ScriptUtil class:

Map createPartyRole() {
   partyRole = entityOne('PartyRole')
   if (partyRole == null) {
       partyRole = makeValue('PartyRole')
       partyRole.setPKFields(parameters, true)
       createEntity(partyRole, true)

Also, I was wondering whether we could manipulate the lists returned by GenericValue like so:

party.getRelated("PartyRole").each() { roleTypeId -> switch roleTypeId
     case 'CONTENT_USER':
       // doSomething(party)
     case 'XYZ':
       // doSomethingElse(party)

... just some thoughts


Adrian Crum wrote:
I have been working on some ideas with the goal of making Groovy a viable alternative to mini-language. I already committed some code that allows methods within a Groovy script to be called, so that multiple services can be included in one file - just like in Java or mini-language.

My next step is to create a Groovy script that contains utility methods that mimic many of the existing mini-language elements - particularly the ones that do a lot of work in one line. The utility script (ScriptUtil) will be in the Groovy context so it will be easy to access. For example:

<simple-method method-name="createPartyRole">
    <entity-one entity-name="PartyRole" value-field="partyRole"/>
    <if-empty field="partyRole">
        <make-value entity-name="PartyRole" value-field="newEntity"/>
        <set-pk-fields map="parameters" value-field="newEntity"/>
        <create-value value-field="newEntity"/>


Map createPartyRole() {
    partyRole = ScriptUtil.entityOne("PartyRole");
    if (partyRole == null) {
        partyRole = ScriptUtil.makeValue("PartyRole");
        partyRole.setPKFields(parameters, true);
        delegator.create(partyRole, true);
    return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();

The ScriptUtil methods will duplicate the mini-language Java code so they will be interchangeable.

The bottom line is, I'm trying to bring some of mini-language's ease of use to Groovy. Before I proceed any further, I wanted to find out if there was any interest in it.

What do you think?


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