Hi Jacopo,

What exactly does it mean to create an "alpha" release, compared to what we 
have now where we create a release branch?


On 13/04/2010, at 8:19 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

> Sorry if I am hijacking this thread, but the more I think of it the more I 
> believe we should officially create an "alpha" release 10.04, instead of 
> simply creating a release candidate for 10.04.
> In this way we will have two official current releases:
> 09.04 Stable Release
> 10.04 Alpha Release
> Intended audiences:
> 09.04: final users with no interest (or resources) in helping the community 
> to build and maintain stable releases
> 10.04: users (they could be service providers, end user companies with 
> internal resources or longer term goals etc...) that are willing to help the 
> community to build and maintain a stable release
> If there will be interest around the 10.04 alpha release, we will get bug 
> fixes that will be part of a future 10.04.1 "stable" (bug fix) release (or a 
> "beta" release), or even 10.04.2,3,4,5 etc... (each of them more stable than 
> the predecessor).
> Jacopo
> On Apr 8, 2010, at 8:11 PM, Scott Gray wrote:
>> Just to be clear though, I am NOT in favor of back-porting large chunks of 
>> functionality to the release branch under the guise of bug fixes.
>> Regards
>> Scott
>> On 8/04/2010, at 12:06 PM, Anil Patel wrote:
>>> Looks like, none who participated in this thread have objections for 
>>> merging of securitycontext20091231 branch with trunk. 
>>> Thanks and Regards
>>> Anil Patel
>>> HotWax Media Inc
>>> Find us on the web at www.hotwaxmedia.com or Google Keyword "ofbiz"
>>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:46 PM, Scott Gray wrote:
>>>> Well I don't see any problem with dropping it in right now then.  The real 
>>>> question will be what do people want to be able to backport once the 
>>>> release branch is created.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Scott
>>>> On 7/04/2010, at 5:35 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>> The security redesign implementation itself is mostly finished. There are 
>>>>> a few TODOs and they can be found in the BranchReadMe.txt file.
>>>>> I recently synchronized the branch with the trunk and there is a remote 
>>>>> chance something in the design might have broken in the process. I need 
>>>>> to run some tests and review the code to see if that happened.
>>>>> The Example component has been switched over to the new design.
>>>>> There is a user login called "artifact-user" that demonstrates the new 
>>>>> design. That user login is restricted to using the Example component.
>>>>> If the branch was merged back to the trunk and the new security design 
>>>>> was enabled, the Example component would use the new design and the 
>>>>> remaining components would still use the current security design. The two 
>>>>> can co-exist.
>>>>> I imagine the process after that would be similar to when we introduced 
>>>>> the permission checking services - contributors can contribute code that 
>>>>> converts parts of the project over to the new security design. Conversion 
>>>>> involves removing hard-coded permission checks and creating seed data to 
>>>>> grant permission to component artifacts.
>>>>> As I mentioned before, switching a component over to the new design can 
>>>>> create some unexpected problems. That's because our existing code has 
>>>>> security holes in it, and the new design plugs those holes - making parts 
>>>>> of the component unreachable. In other words, parts of code that happily 
>>>>> allow you to do things you don't have permission to do will start to 
>>>>> throw exceptions in the new design.
>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>> Scott Gray wrote:
>>>>>> Question:
>>>>>> What exactly is the current status of the execution branch?  What is it 
>>>>>> that needs to be done for it to be enabled in the trunk?
>>>>>> I'm sorry if you feel you've already answered that question but I'm 
>>>>>> afraid it still isn't entirely clear to me.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>> On 7/04/2010, at 5:14 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>>>> If we wait, then we're waiting for evaluation and testing of the 
>>>>>>> branch. I've done all I can do - the code is written, I suggested we do 
>>>>>>> the merge before the release branch, and I gave my reasons for 
>>>>>>> suggesting it.
>>>>>>> At this point in time I have stepped out of the discussion (in a 
>>>>>>> positive way) to give others a chance to look at the design and the 
>>>>>>> code and decide for themselves if it should be included. In other 
>>>>>>> words, I don't want to be in a position where I have to convince the 
>>>>>>> community what it should do. If the design and the implementation are 
>>>>>>> good, then there will be no need to convince anyone, right?
>>>>>>> I'll answer questions about the executioncontext branch, and I'll 
>>>>>>> continue to work on it here and there when I have the time. If the 
>>>>>>> release branch is created without it, then that will be fine with me.
>>>>>>> :-)
>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>> Scott Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>> Considering we have yet to do an official release after 3.5 years and 
>>>>>>>> the lack of user interest in our release branches (partly because we 
>>>>>>>> recommend the trunk to everybody), I think it would be a waste of time 
>>>>>>>> and effort to create more than one release branch per year.  If we 
>>>>>>>> want the security branch in there then lets wait, there is no good 
>>>>>>>> reason for us to release this month, it's just an arbitrary date.
>>>>>>>> HotWax Media
>>>>>>>> http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
>>>>>>>> On 7/04/2010, at 12:07 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I would suggest to:
>>>>>>>>> 1) release 10.04 before the merge is done
>>>>>>>>> 2) merge the code to the trunk, switch to it, fix any possible issue
>>>>>>>>> 3) do another release (10.06?)
>>>>>>>>> I know this is not inline with what we currently think a release 
>>>>>>>>> should be, but this is very inline with what the ASF practices and so 
>>>>>>>>> I will continue to insist with the release-often practice. :-)
>>>>>>>>> Jacopo
>>>>>>>>> On Apr 4, 2010, at 8:21 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I would like to start bringing parts of the executioncontext20091231 
>>>>>>>>>> branch into the trunk before we create the next release branch. The 
>>>>>>>>>> implementation of the new security design is not finished, but it 
>>>>>>>>>> will be disabled - so everything will still work the same.
>>>>>>>>>> My goal is to allow users of the 10.x release to plan for the 
>>>>>>>>>> forthcoming changes, and maybe have the conversion to the new design 
>>>>>>>>>> completed by the release that follows 10.x.
>>>>>>>>>> I will wait a few days, and if there are no objections I will begin 
>>>>>>>>>> merging the design into the trunk.
>>>>>>>>>> -Adrian

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