Recently, I worked on running the framework inside a OSGi framework. I could run the framework standalone except some minor issues such as loading of configuration files (entity engine and service engine configuration files) from classpath. Generally these files should be external to framework so that they can be places out side of the classpath. A system variable for the location of config files may a good idea. I also found, some dependency issues between entity engine and service engine. Entity engine depends on entityext and entityext depends on service engine which makes entity engine to depend on service engine.



On 05/05/10 11:31, Christopher Snow wrote:

I would support any effort to add more control to the framework. I support having many committers involved in the framework (so it doesn't become stagnant), but at the same time it would be nice to have better control over framework releases (so it can be reliable). David's suggestion of a separate branch for the framework is an excellent idea.


A separate branch along with David's proposal for configuration in Moqui (below) would also make security updates to production ofbiz installations much easier too. Framework code (which shouldn't be changed by the end user) such as the entityengine could be updated just by replacing the entityengine.jar file.

"Configuration files are meant to come from a runtime directory and are not spread around the code. There is a default-conf directory in the framework so that if a configuration file is left out the framework will have a default
to fallback on that will work in most cases."

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