Thanks, for your return David,

I continue the analyse and create a jira for follow this subject.
I think, OFBiz do just make a mapping between ldap and data model. I try to complete the analysis before the week-end.


David E Jones a écrit :

That document is all I ever did in this direction. Along with that I should say 
that I'm not sure this is really the best approach. It was a design based on a 
certain set of requirements and on a general goal to have something generic 
that could adapt to future requirements.

My opinion on this now is that an API specific to an hierarchical LDAP-like 
structure that is generic, in the same way the entity engine is generic, would 
be a better way to go than to actually try to get access the hierarchical 
structure through an API designed for relational/tabular data.

For future reference the Java Content Repository (JSR-170/JSR-283) has an 
interesting combination of an hierarchical structure and attributes that can be 
queried using XPath style queries and SQL style queries. It may be possible to 
create an API that is good for both hierarchical and relational structures, but 
the current Entity Engine API will probably do a poor job of that.


On May 30, 2010, at 3:11 PM, Nicolas Malin wrote:

Hi David,

My ask isn't Do you impliment it ? But your analysis is already available ? and 
if yes, I propose to realise implement.

I prefere add a generic improvment on OFBiz based on your analysis than a bad 
specific. I can put some resource during this june on this subject.


David E Jones a écrit :
Hi Nicolas,

I'm sorry to say that no, it never has been implemented (that I know of) and 
I'm not aware of any plans to implement it.


On May 28, 2010, at 2:33 AM, Nicolas Malin wrote:

Hi David, and others

For a customer, we need to deploy OFBiz with an openLDAP in read/write mode (not 
just authentification). After some analysis, I found your document  : 

Is this analysis has already been implemented and still applicable ? if yes, 
then I can put some resources on it to realize implementations with OFBiz trunk 
and if there is other information that you wish (class name, extend interface 
or other), I would be happy to have them as I'd like to waste the less time 

I'm waiting your return,


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