Adrian Crum wrote:
> On 6/17/2010 9:09 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
>>> The seed data works fine. It has been working fine for years. It's the
>>> process you're using that is the problem.
>> Also, if my process is wrong, fine, that might be true.  But just
>> don't tell me it is wrong.  Give me a way to do what I have describe
>> countless times.
> I believe the reason for some of the confusion lies in the subject being
> a moving target, or different subjects being blurred together. It might
> help to make some clear distinctions:
> 1. Existing, out-of-the-box seed data works as expected. Date-time
> values in the seed data are referenced to the server's time zone and
> that data displays as intended or expected. Out-of-the-box seed data is
> not broken - it has been working fine for years.
> 2. Entity data in XML format that contains date-time data will cause
> problems if it is shared by servers in different time zones. The reason
> is because no time zone is specified in the XML file, so each server
> will reference date-time values to its own time zone. We need a way to
> specify a time zone in the XML data so that each server will reference
> the same time zone when importing the data.
> 3. Developers who wish to share entity data in XML format between
> servers in different time zones will need to define a process that
> specifies a time zone to be shared, and then ensure the shared XML data
> contains the specified time zone. In other words, the specified time
> zone is an anchor or key - all shared XML data uses that time zone.
> To summarize what I've been saying:
> 1. You have identified a problem in sharing XML data that contains
> date-time values and I agree it needs to be fixed. I suggest we specify
> a time zone in the XML files, and if no time zone is specified, the
> server's time zone is used.
> 2. The existing, out-of-the-box seed data files work fine. Please do not
> specify time zones in the existing seed data files because that will
> break a lot of existing code.

This is wrong.  Existing seed data *is* broken.

 user_login_id | group_id  |       from_date        | thru_date |
last_updated_stamp     |   last_updated_tx_stamp    |
created_stamp        |      created_tx_stamp
 system        | FULLADMIN | 2001-01-01 13:00:00-05 |           |
2010-06-13 22:25:38.727-04 | 2010-06-13 22:25:38.664-04 | 2010-06-13
22:25:38.727-04 | 2010-06-13 22:25:38.664-04
 system        | FULLADMIN | 2001-01-01 12:00:00-05 |           |
2010-06-15 20:30:20.83-04  | 2010-06-15 20:30:20.723-04 | 2010-06-15
20:30:20.83-04  | 2010-06-15 20:30:20.723-04
(3 rows)

This is output from psql, of UserLoginSecurityGroup.  Note the 1 hour
difference on the fromDate.  On 06-13, I imported all seed xml in
ofbiz on a machine in CDT.  I then did a pg_dump, copied the file to a
machine in EDT, imported it.  Then, did *just* a seed import on the
new machine.  No seed data was actually changed.  I now have duplicate

> 3. If you follow my suggestions and you're still having problems, then
> there is something wrong in the process you're using.
> I'm not trying to be argumentative or aloof - I'm really trying to help.
> I just don't know how to make it any simpler.
> -Adrian

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