Here's an example:
Line 115:
<input type="text" size='13' name="fromDate" 
hasntStarted> class="alert"</#if> />


On 19/06/2010, at 2:51 AM, El Ansari Abdesamad wrote:

> Thanks for ur quick answer... but I've not found where it's hard coded in the 
> ftl.
> I've found other ftl in the application with the same code but the dates are 
> well displayed.
> Thanks for ur help !
> ----- Mail Original -----
> De: "Scott Gray" <>
> À:
> Envoyé: Vendredi 18 Juin 2010 11h45:46 (GMT) Auto-Detected
> Objet: Re: Date format issue
> It's hard coded that way in the freemarker template EditCustomTimePeriod.ftl, 
> changing it in there should fix the issue.  Ideally that whole screen should 
> be converted to form widgets, I don't really see anything in there that 
> requires freemarker.
> Regards
> Scott
> HotWax Media
> On 18/06/2010, at 10:35 PM, El Ansari Abdesamad wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> If you go to 
>> you'll see that dates are shown in a specific format. For example : Jan 1, 
>> 2009. 
>> Can someone tell me how to change this so that it's like in all the other 
>> screens ? 
>> And besides, if you try to update a custom period you'll get the following 
>> error for example : 
>> The Following Errors Occurred: 
>> Type conversion of field [fromDate] to type [java.sql.Date] failed for value 
>> "Jan 1, 2009": org.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException: 
>> java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "Jan 1, 2009" 
>> (java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "Jan 1, 2009") 
>> Type conversion of field [thruDate] to type [java.sql.Date] failed for value 
>> "Apr 1, 2009": org.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException: 
>> java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "Apr 1, 2009" 
>> (java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "Apr 1, 2009") 
>> Thanks for your help, 
>> el.abdesamad 

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