
The correct Java data type must be sent to the entity engine - conversions are not supported any more. That was the original behavior.

The entity engine automated tests test the field data types. If those tests pass on your installation, then the error you are encountering is not due to this commit.

You can perform a data type conversion in mini-language by using the <set> element and specifying the target data type:

<set field="doubleValue" from-field="bigDecimalValue" type="Double"/>


On 7/12/2010 7:29 AM, Matthieu Bollot wrote:
Le mercredi 30 juin 2010 à 23:27 +0000, a écrit :
Author: adrianc
Date: Wed Jun 30 23:27:24 2010
New Revision: 959470

Some work on the entity engine:

1. Removed the conversion framework from the entity engine. Type conversions 
should be done higher up in the stack. The basic pattern is the same, but 
instead of each ModelFieldType containing a converter instance, it now contains 
a JdbcValueHandler instance. The JdbcValueHandler performs the same task as the 
original switch statement - in effect each ModelFieldType contains its own 
piece of the switch statement.
This has been tested on Advantage, Derby, and MySQL. It should be completely 
backward compatible. I will be monitoring the dev mailing list closely for any 

I think I've found a problem, seeable in createCalendarExceptionDay

When launched, I've got an error :
Error in Service [createCalendarExceptionDay]: Error running the simple-method: Error in simple-method operation 
[<if-not-empty field-name="newEntity.calendarId" map-name=""/>]: 
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error in simple-method operation [<create-value/>]: java.lang.ClassCastException: 
java.math.BigDecimal cannot be cast to java.lang.Double<br/>null

I've seen a patch from hans type="Double" instead of BigDecimal but in
createCalendarExceptionDay,<create-value value-field="newEntity"
type="Double"/>  does not work.

I think that this will not be the only one error related to convert from
BigDecimal to Double, and I thought that everything should be BigDecimal
instead of Double… so is there something more "global" to do ?

tell me if I can help.

PS : you could see the error using the selenium here :

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