Just my $0.02, but I am not a fan of the cache/no-cache paradigm in ofbiz.  
Forcing the application developer to know about the cache leads to unstable 
code and usually slower execution of the application (ie. being conservative 
and saying cache-off, since it MAY be modified).

The cache is something that the application developer should never need to 
concern themselves with.  Of course, with ofbiz, this isn't the case, and it 
has to do with the fact that the cache returns immutable objects.

I'd like to open up a discussion about changing/improving the implementation of 
the entity/condition cache layer to improve this.  The goals are:

- cache is passively managed by the framework. Application layer NEVER exposes 
cache boolean or cache variant methods.
- goal to maintain a single object reference for the same pkey.  (ie.  
findByPrimaryKey() and and search by and returning same value point to the same 
- soft reference on cache (ofbiz does this already).
- weak reference on entities marked "non-cached" (if it's in the jvm memory 
already, why not return it).
- entity definition cache flag, as it is now. (controls hard/soft vs weak)
- respect transaction boundaries (current cache doesn't... try insert entity, 
find it, rollback.... entity remains in cache).
- objects fetched from delegator are always mutable.  (use a copy on write 
semantic for cache).
- distributed cache semantics (already in ofbiz)
- nested views on views and proper cache behavior

Now, I am not just trying to create a make work project here.   We have already 
implemented all of these changes in our application's use of ofbiz.  I'd be 
prepared to package this up and contribute it back to the community.   Please 

Marc Morin
Emforium Group Inc. 
ALL-IN Software
519-772-6824 ext 201 

----- Original Message -----
> A while back, I started adding more variants of
> GenericDelegator.findByPrimaryKey. The outcome of that was to remove
> those variants, and reduce the methods.
> However, while looking at unrelated code tonight, I thought we should
> do the same to the lookup methods in GenericValue. For instance, I
> saw this pattern:
> if (booleanValue) {
> nextValue = value.getRelatedOneCache(relation);
> } else {
> nextValue = value.getRelatedOne(relation);
> }
> I think it would be better to change that to getRelatedOne(relation,
> boolean).
> Do others agree? What about the other methods in that class?

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