On 12/09/2010 12:03 AM, Scott Gray wrote:
On 9/12/2010, at 11:50 AM, Adam Heath wrote:

On 12/08/2010 03:00 PM, Scott Gray wrote:
On 8/12/2010, at 4:29 AM, Adam Heath wrote:

I've deprecated findByAnd locally, replacing calls with a variant that
takes a boolean, which specifies whether to use the cache.

Initially, my replacement just added a new findByAnd.  However, I'm
now starting to lean towards replacing with findList instead.
However, in my opinion, I think that will make programming ofbiz more

I'd like to add a findList variant, that takes a Map instead of an
EntityCondition.  Without this new variant, there would be ton of
variants that would only need to import EntityCondition, just to
create a condition.

There are also performance considerations to consider.

EntityCondition.makeCondition(Map) directly takes the map, doing no
processing.  However, EntityCondition.makeCondition(Object...)
eventually calls EntityUtil.makeFields, which does a little more than
UtilMisc.  In addition to the iteration over the array, it also does a
check on the value for Comparable/Serializable.  This latter check
seems a bit superfluous, as eventually the base condition classes
check the values against the model.

So, from a purist stand point, even tho findByAnd could be replaced by
findList, I think it is too useful; it saves enough code in
application layers, imho.

This reminded me of the query objects with method chaining that I suggested a 
while back so I threw them together this morning.

Here are some examples:
thisContent = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache("Content", 
UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", assocContentId));
// becomes
thisContent = EntityOne.query(delegator).from("Content").where("contentId", 


in foo.groovy:
use(DelegatorCategory) {


class DelegatorCategory {
  public static EntityOneBuilder EntityOne(Delegator delegator) {
    return new EntityOneBuilder(delegator);
class EntityOneBuilder {
  public EntityOneBuilder from(String entityName) {
    return this;

  public GenericValue query() {
    return delegator.findOne(....);

This is almost like what you suggested, but it removes the query() method that 
starts thte builder, and changes the find() to query().

EntityList would be done the same one.

The way you have it, is that the start(EntityOne, EntityList) and the 
end(find(), list()), are 2 things that have to be remembered.  My version just 
has one thing(the start of the call).

This is all groovy DSL related though right?  I hadn't worried about groovy too 
much because I knew we had a fair bit of flexibility thanks to the language 
features.  The API I've written to date was solely intended for java 
development but seems succinct enough that not much would need to change for 

Also EntityList's execute methods so far are:

All primary methods should be query(), imho.

interface GenericQueryBuilder<T> {
  T query();

public class EntityOne implements GenericQueryBuilder<GenericValue> {
  public GenericValue query() {}

public class EntityList implements GenericQueryBuilder<List<GenericValue>>, Iterable<GenericValue> {
  public List<GenericValue> query() {}
  public Iterator<GenericValue> iterator() {}

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