On 11/12/2010, at 4:20 AM, Marc Morin wrote:

> In the spirit of changing the entity/delegator interface more object 
> friendly, why not take this to then next step and generate POJO interfaces 
> for each entity.  These would extend GenericValue but provide a simple 
> gettor/settor facade allowing compile time type checking and removing of the 
> "string" code for much of the business logic written in java.
> This allows code that is much easier to debug and less error prone.. example 
> below is for navigating orders.
>  The binding between the entity model and the java implementation can be 
> caught as a compile time error...  significantly lowers the maintenance cost 
> of the code.

In my experience this is simply untrue and something that seems like it might 
be the case but actually isn't.  The number of bug fixes going into the trunk 
for incorrectly named entities/fields is minuscule and I would be surprised if 
it were any more than a couple per year, hardly a source of significant 
maintenance costs.


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