Hi All,

I've just finished a freemarker transform that validates and combines 
javascript resources and then renders the script tags, I'm interested to know 
if it's something you want in the project.

- Makes sure that each script actually exists before telling the browser about 
it, removes any possibility of the browser 404'ing on javascripts.
- Automatically combines scripts into a single file to reduce the number of 
http requests the browser has to make
- Define groupings that control how the scripts are combined, e.g. if you have 
some scripts that are used on every page then you can combine them into their 
own group to take the most advantage of browser caching.  You simply use the 
"#" sign to append a group name to the end of each script path:
    <set field="layoutSettings.javaScripts[+0]" 
    <set field="layoutSettings.javaScripts[+0]" 
value="/images/jquery/ui/js/jquery-ui-1.8.6.custom.min.js#core" global="true"/>
- Use the #solo group name to indicate scripts that shouldn't be combined, 
useful if you're using some sort of CDN for your jQuery lib or whatever.
- Caches the results so that the processing for each set of resources happens 
only once

The idea is to remove the need for a balancing act between lots of smaller 
scripts but too many requests or a few large scripts with lots of unused code.  
I figured since it changes something that hasn't changed in years I'd check 
before committing.  I could also just commit the transform but not use it OOTB.

I'm also planning something similar for CSS files but it's a little more 
complicated because of the @import statement that can appear in them.


HotWax Media

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