Thanks to Marco's courageous effort, I can remove soon this from my todo list.

BTW, Marco I can help on the framework part, if you have nothing pending there 



From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
From: "David E Jones" <>

Are we feeling a little domineering today?

No actually I'm not domineering, simply exhausted. These 500+ changes certainly discouraged me, hence my reaction. I should keep cool, and I will...

Just because internationalizing code is a best practice doesn't mean  it's the 
ONLY practice, and I don't think we want to force
it for any  and all users of OFBiz (ie those writing their own applications, 
That's the thing with best practices: we want them and we want to  recommend 
them and for the main code base even ask people to
follow them. We also want primary and secondary/other best practices. Still, not being omniscient we don't want to think we know
everything and not  have any flexibility in the framework.

Yes I was re-thinking about it, and it occured to me that of course we should keep it and simply discourage its usage in OFBiz stock
(yes, you contributors, commiters, ... :o)



On Jul 12, 2008, at 2:10 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:


I think we should deprecate, and at term remove the <fail-message>  tag. There 
are 500+ ot them in current code. They are not
localisable. So for me it's a bad practice, and we should prevent  people to 
use this tag anymore.
I can't see from the top of my head if there are some other aspects  in OFBiz 
which encourage such bad practices (not

What do you think ?


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