I agree with BJ here - keep it same as beanshell container.
If you want to comment them out (which I don't mind), we should discuss it
in another thread for default enabled containers/features in trunk...

my 2c

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 6:25 PM, BJ Freeman <bjf...@free-man.net> wrote:

> I would say keep the dev friendly pattern in the trunk.
> I would change it in the relaase branches since they are more targeted as
> end users.
> write up a docbook section for the Tech on how to deal with them and the
> security issues. use the id="" in the section so you can put a link on the
> wiki to the section on the localhost.
> add demo server script to comment them out if necessary.
> on a side note, it would be great to add a note on the nightly builds that
> these are meant for users without configuration.
> =========================
> BJ Freeman
> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  <
> http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=52>
> Specialtymarket.com  <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>
> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
> Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 1/23/2011 10:04 AM:
>  Hi,
>> Thanks to Rene Scheibe, I have just commited (completed at revision:
>> 1062476) a Groovysh container. It's just fine (though when you
>> type a char on Windows it's duplicated, but it works, see
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-3954) but I wonder if we
>> should not rather provide those Beanshell and Groovysh containers
>> commented out. I know it will break the policy we use that
>> provide OOTB a develop friendly version rather than an user/production
>> ready. But it will prevent any admin/user oversights,
>> because it's an important security concern. If a dev needs them, it's
>> really easy to uncomment? What do you think?
>> Thanks
>> Jacques

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