Yes, but how would you handle the thousand possible entities for entity 
permissions as outlined David?


From: "Bruno Busco" <>
Hi Scott,
many thanks for the pointer. This was definitively a well discussed topic.

Personally I do not agree with how it it designed right now (with the no-fk)
for this two reasons:
1) If a SecurityPermission has not its own entity record there will never be
a description field where the user can understand (or remember) what that
permission is supposed to be used for.
2) There is no check that an already defined PermissionId is not used again
for a different purpose in a different part of the code.

Thank you,

2011/4/13 Scott Gray <>


HotWax Media

On 12/04/2011, at 10:38 PM, Bruno Busco wrote:

> Hi,
> in the
> using the Add Permission (manually) to Security Group form, it is
> possible to add a non existent SecurityPermission to a
> SecurityPermissionGroup.
> Is this correct?
> Shouldn't any permission always be defined properly in the
> SecurityPermission entity before being referenced in a
> SecurityPermissionGroup?
> Thank you,
> Bruno

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