Hi devs,
According to my project I suggested some changes to be done to separate the
test classes from the code itself. Please let me know your ideas about the
suggested structure.
Also I came up with the structure for module securityext. Can I separate the
code as follows? Please let me know your ideas.

current structure
|-- src
|   `-- org
|       `-- ofbiz
|           `-- securityext
|               |-- test
|               |   |-- AuthorizationTests.java
|                   `-- DaTest2.groovy

after test/code separation
|-- src
|    |--main
|    |    `--java
|    |         `-- //rest of the code
|    |--test
|      `--java
|              `-- org
|                    `-- ofbiz
|                           `-- securityext
|                                 |-- AuthorizationTests.java
|                                 `-- DaTest2.groovy


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