I know we have discussed this before, but I'm trying to use the OFBiz party classification entities for another client and I'm running into the same problem I've had before - the current party classification data model just doesn't work.

The party classification data model presented in the The Data Model Resource Book is simple and flexible. My preference would be to use that model, but in previous discussions there was some resistance to using the OFBiz PartyType entity in the way the book describes. So, I have come up with a compromise solution: Use the OFBiz PartyClassificationType entity as a replacement for the DMRB PartyType entity, and implement the DMRB Party Classification subtypes by grouping PartyClassificationTypes.

This is what it would look like:

partyId*, id-ne
partyClassificationTypeId*, id-ne
fromDate*, date-time
thruDate, date-time

partyClassificationTypeId*, id-ne
description, description

partyClassificationTypeId*, id-ne
partyClassificationGroupTypeId*, id-ne

partyClassificationGroupTypeId*, id-ne
description, description

If the data currently stored in PartyClassificationType is moved to PartyClassificationGroupType, then the proposed model will be capable of supporting the party classification scheme illustrated in Table 2.3 of the DMRB.

What do you think?


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