On Aug 21, 2011, at 2:56 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> I know we have discussed this before, but I'm trying to use the OFBiz party 
> classification entities for another client and I'm running into the same 
> problem I've had before - the current party classification data model just 
> doesn't work.
> The party classification data model presented in the The Data Model Resource 
> Book is simple and flexible. My preference would be to use that model, but in 
> previous discussions there was some resistance to using the OFBiz PartyType 
> entity in the way the book describes. So, I have come up with a compromise 
> solution: Use the OFBiz PartyClassificationType entity as a replacement for 
> the DMRB PartyType entity, and implement the DMRB Party Classification 
> subtypes by grouping PartyClassificationTypes.
> This is what it would look like:
> PartyClassification
> -------------------
> partyId*, id-ne
> partyClassificationTypeId*, id-ne
> fromDate*, date-time
> thruDate, date-time
> PartyClassificationType
> -----------------------
> partyClassificationTypeId*, id-ne
> description, description
> PartyClassificationGroup
> ------------------------
> partyClassificationTypeId*, id-ne
> partyClassificationGroupTypeId*, id-ne
> PartyClassificationGroupType
> ----------------------------
> partyClassificationGroupTypeId*, id-ne
> description, description
> If the data currently stored in PartyClassificationType is moved to 
> PartyClassificationGroupType, then the proposed model will be capable of 
> supporting the party classification scheme illustrated in Table 2.3 of the 
> What do you think?

Without an idea of what you're trying to model - nothing.


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