It's strange actually, I thought I had silently fixed this a few months ago.  
The precedence should be: context -> web.xml ->

Jacques, have you tried using the screencsv view handler for the csv problem?


On 31/08/2011, at 6:34 PM, David E Jones wrote:

> There was an old thread about this with a few complaints, but it looks like 
> it stands.
> Maybe more discussion and/or a commit war is in order? ;)
> -David
> On Aug 30, 2011, at 9:15 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>'s widget.verbose setting has precedence over web.xml's 
>> widgetVerbose setting. So you can't use
>> parameters.widgetVerbose to override widget.verbose to false. Is 
>> ModelWidget.widgetBoundaryCommentsEnabled() written this way for
>> some reasons?
>> Another issue is that these HTML boundary comments get outputted even though 
>> the view handler is set to "screencsv". In the
>> widget-screen.xsd, the only way to invoke a template to produce CSV is using 
>> <html><html-template />, but this always adds HTML
>> comments even if the output is CSV (see HtmlWidget class). Maybe we could 
>> introduce a <csv> element or something like that?
>> Anyway, both of those problems combined mean that there are no apparent 
>> clean ways to remove the HTML "template begin/end" boundary
>> comments from the CSV output if you try to draw it with an *.ftl template. A 
>> workaround  kludge for now is to invoke the FTL manually through a Groovy 
>> script.
>> Thanks
>> Jacques

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