
A simple search and replace will make your modifications compatible with the newer version.

The change was the result of a months-long discussion on the dev mailing list (August 2009 to October 2009). If you want more detail, you can look it up.


On 9/16/2011 10:21 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
Thanks BJ.

I guess OFBiz is not too backward compatible. Oh well, too bad. This breaks all kinds of things in 9.04 that I'd like to carry over to 10.x.

Best Regards,

On 9/16/11 5:14 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:
did a search of the commits

Ruth Hoffman sent the following on 9/16/2011 1:42 PM:
Could someone explain to me - and ignorant OFBiz committer wannabe - why
the following method in version 9.04:

     public static GenericDelegator getGenericDelegator(String
delegatorName) { ... }

No longer exists in the DelegatorFactory class in the most recent trunk

In its place I see:

     public static Delegator getDelegator(String delegatorName) {...}

Is there a reason this was changed or taken out? Should I be calling a
different method to get my 9.04 code to work with the current trunk

Thanks much.

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