
For more information about how to use OFBiz Screen, Menu, Tree and Form widgets, I did a concise write-up in the Apache OFBiz Cookbook available from PACKT Publishing:


After re-reading this section (I did this over a year ago), I now recall why I said "lists". HTML lists (ul/ol) are created automatically by Menu and Tree widgets.

Ruth Hoffman

On 12/3/11 3:51 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
Hi Jacques:
Sorry, by "list" I really mean Screen widgets with entity-condition lists. Never meant to imply that I would not use a Screen widget. No, always I use Screen widgets with Freemarker templates and Groovy scripts (not XML conditional statements in the actions part of the Screen Widget.)

And yes, jQuery is a godsend. I've been using it now for some time and love it. Haven't had a chance to use it with a Form or Menu widget yet but who knows...

Agreed about the User ML.


On 12/3/11 2:23 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
To simplify, I'd say; go with Form/Menu widgets as long as you can and switch to Freemarkers templates when your needs go beyond what Form/Menu widgets can offer. BTW I don't know what List widgets stand for Ruth ;o). Alos you need screen widgets in all cases. Remember that you can use Jquery (and js by and large) also with Form/Menu widgets and sometimes it opens you awesome possiblities. You can find examples in OFBiz trunk and R11.04

I just wonder if this thread should not be in user ML rather...


From: "Ruth Hoffman" <>
Hi Gareth:
Can't help but add my 2 cents here...

First, I take issue with Han's statement: " is an implementation of a 'simple' OFBiz component all in a single webapp...". I would argue that there is no such thing as a "simple" OFBiz component. To my way of thinking, "simple" adds no value to the discussion. A component is a component.

Second, components are not implemented in webapps. User interfaces - built from one or more OFBiz webapps - which provide browser access to OFBiz features and functions, are implemented within a component. Not the other way around.

Third, after many years of using OFBiz and developing many new applications (and working with existing ones), IMHO the menu, form and list widgets are of limited value. Here is when I (sometimes) use them: If you need to build a quick webpage (HTML) view into a single database table, perhaps an entity you have added to implement some new business function, you may want to consider using these widgets. To add and remove data to a single table or list the contents of a table, widgets work just fine.

The problem arises in that most modern, web based user interface designs don't lend themselves to this very one-dimensional view of the data model.

It is extremely difficult (and IMHO a waste of time) to build an OFBiz user interface with these widgets when you have the best tool available (Freemarker) to do this. Use the right tool for the job and you will be rewarded handsomely!

Best of luck

On 12/3/11 8:59 AM, Gareth O'Brien wrote:

I'm new to ofbiz; also to the tools and components that it comprises having
come from a Windows .NET C# background.

I'm interested in your comment about it being a pity that only ftl is used.
Can you expand a bit on that?

What are the shortcomings of ftl?
What alternative(s) would you recommend and why?

The whole area of UI, especially simplified and deployed as an end-user
package will feature heavily in a project due to kick off in January.



-----Original Message-----
From: Hans Bakker []
Sent: 02 December 2011 06:45
Cc: Len Shein
Subject: Re: Extending OFBiz: The BigFish eCommerce Project

I think this is pretty interesting, it is an implementation of a 'simple' OFBiz component all in a single webapp....a pity that only ftl is used, but

A demo version would be helpfull.

what is the license of this contribution, is it a contribution?


On 12/01/2011 01:06 AM, Len Shein wrote:
OFBiz Community:

We have developed an eCommerce specific solution, something like a
"Store In a Box". We call it BigFish.

Built on top of OFBiz; completely ready-to-go, with lots of
flexibility and configuration options. We are looking for adopters! We
are looking for the OFBiz community to download, support, critique,
suggest improvements, and validate our efforts.

To participate take a look at

* BigFish eCommerce

* A fully functional eCommerce implementation (a real working "Store
In A Box")
* Includes product categories, products, configurations, check-out
* BigFish eCommerce is a single framework that can be used to
implement any number of eCommerce stores, all with their own products,
look-and-feel and behavior
* The Product Catalog data drives all aspects of the shopping
* And look-and-feel is modified within the CSS styling and the BigFish
* With flexible configuration options to fine-tune the user experience
and functionality (all easily maintained in the Admin Module)
* Features:

* Flexible Home Page configuration
* The OFBiz Product Catalog drives many aspects, including the main
navigation bar, listing and detail pages
* Fully functional Product Listing Page (PLP), with options for
sorting and integration with SOLR for faceted navigation
* Complete Product Detail Page, with options for Ratings and Reviews
* Site Search: using SOLR
* Complete Customer Account Management features, register, login,
forgot password, address book, order status
* Complete Check-Out process
* sitemap.xml generator
* email generation for each relevant trigger
* Flexible and powerful Static Page solution for About-Us, Terms and
Conditions etc.

* BigFish Admin Module

* The Admin Module exposes all the great back-end OFBiz functionality
that is applicable to our eCommerce store
* Intended to be used by the business experts, without IT involvement
* Features:

* Manage your Product Catalog
* Customer Management
* Order Management
* Manage home page content
* Approve customer reviews
* Manage specific Page content spots
* Control how the faceted navigation will behave
* Maintain Static Pages
* Manage email templates and generation
* and more

* Coming Soon (scheduled into our dev team)

* Guest Checkout
* Single Page Checkout
* Store Locator
* Manage Promotions
* Full multi support:

* Language
* Country Formatting (date, tel, address)
* Currency

* Road Map

* SEO User Friendly URL's
* You Previously Viewed
* Flexible import and export features
* Home Page "carousel"
* Multi-Catalog, Multi-Site
* Site Search:

* auto complete
* spell-check
* did you mean?
* search non-catalog content
* store Locator: click and collect

* Enhanced Order Management
* Enhanced Customer Management
* Integrate with more OFBiz features:

* Inventory
* Back-Orders
* Warehousing
* etc.

To participate, and for complete download / install instructions look

Best Regards,

Len Shein

Salmon LLC<>

O: 516.742.7888

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