The main reason is to supply a function/method argument if modelService.invoke is not empty.

A script containing a function/method is evaluated twice - once to evaluate the script as a whole and then again to invoke the function/method. Any bindings that were created/used in the first evaluation are lost in the function/method call - so the bindings are passed as a function/method call argument.

I will update JavaScriptTest.js to illustrate the difference.


On 3/14/2012 5:18 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

is there a reason for invoking the script from ScriptEngine and 
ScriptEventHandler using:

             Object resultObj = 
ScriptUtil.executeScript(getLocation(modelService), modelService.invoke, 
scriptContext, new Object[] { context });

rather than

             Object resultObj = 
ScriptUtil.executeScript(getLocation(modelService), modelService.invoke, 
scriptContext, null);

I don't know what the args argument is used for but now we have to declare all 
the Groovy methods (events and services) in this way:

def setLastInventoryCount(Map notUsedInputMap) {

rather than

def setLastInventoryCount() {

and I really like the latter form because it is essential and non technical: 
the service/event *only* contains business rules specifications.
Any objections if I change the service/event handlers to pass a null args?

Please also see my comments inline:

On Mar 13, 2012, at 4:59 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Cool - thanks! My apologies - I had not given much thought to the object 
construction sequence in that section of code.
Np, the code is young and I am happy to help to test/debug it.

I'm pretty sure I followed good concurrency practices overall, but there is 
always a chance I missed something.
Ok, I didn't look enough closely at the details and in fact it may be good to 



On 3/13/2012 3:49 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
This is now fixed in rev. 1300202
By the way: we will need to carefully review the way ScriptHelper/ContextHelper 
are built (and especially how the context is passed) in order to make sure the 
code is thread safe.


On Mar 13, 2012, at 11:42 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

Ok thanks... it doesn't work for me because the scriptType is set to UNKNOWN 
instead of SERVICE... I am debugging it now.


On Mar 13, 2012, at 11:16 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:, line 85 and below.


On 3/13/2012 10:11 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
Hey Adrian,

a quick question before I dig into the details.
I am using the success(..)/error(...) methods to get a result Map (for 
services) or result String (for Events) and I have noticed that in the new 
implementation they are saved using the ContextHelper.putResults method.
Who is supposed to call the ContextHelper.getResults() method? It would be nice 
if this was done automatically by the framework (service/event handlers) rather 
than the script itself... but I am testing it with a service and I can't get 
the message back.
If you could show me a code snippet it would help... if not do not worry I will 
figure it out.



On Mar 13, 2012, at 8:58 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

On 3/13/2012 7:46 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
On Mar 13, 2012, at 7:59 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:


Could you share with the rest of us the limitations caused by the refactoring?

Definitely: I will review, study and use the new code and I will provide 
feedback about the gaps I see.
Oh. I thought you were talking about the ScriptUtil refactoring.

One thing that I am not sure I like is the fact that now some of the strings in 
Groovy will be expanded using the FlexibleStringExpander rather than the Groovy 
GStrings... this could be confusing when you are programming in Groovy.
I was also planning to use closures to manage nicely EntityListIterators... but 
I can probably still do this in the GroovyBaseScript.

The work I committed is just a springboard - anyone can modify it/extend it in 
any way they want.
Ok, this is good... and dangerous if anyone will add what they want without 
first agreeing/understanding on the purpose of this class. Do we all agree that 
it should stay clean and light by providing simple access for common operations 
rather than providing access to all the possible operations? I mean, it should 
provide a mechanism to perform tasks in the most common ways; for special (less 
frequent) tasks the calling script should use the features provided natively by 
the language and the standard API (delegator/dispatcher/etc...).
I agree. Let's keep the API limited to OFBiz-specific artifacts: entity engine, 
service engine, logging, etc.

As I mentioned previously, the GroovyBaseScript class can simply delegate to 
the helper class:
Yes, I will re-implement it following this design and let you know how it goes; but we will still 
need the Groovy service engine and Groovy event handlers... in order to keep the architecture clean 
should we start to think to them as extensions for the applications only? I mean that they could be 
part of the future release of "OFBiz Applications" and not part of the future release 
"OFBiz Framework". In this way the dependency and custom Groovy code will all be in the 
Applications (if they will be reimplemented in Groovy) and the framework will stay clean and light.
I was planning on having mini-lang's MethodContext extend ScriptHelper so all 
scripting languages (including mini-lang) are running on the same code base.

I'm thinking all of this will tie up rather nicely once we have a reduced 
framework. Scripting can be its own component that runs on top of the new 
framework. Higher-level applications can then extend the scripting component


abstract class GroovyBaseScript extends Script implements ScriptHelper {

   private final ScriptHelper helper;

   Map runService(String serviceName, Map inputMap) throws ScriptException {
       return helper.runService(serviceName, inputMap);

   Map makeValue(String entityName) throws ScriptException {
       return helper.makeValue(entityName);




On 3/13/2012 5:49 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
Adrian, thank you for your work.

What I was writing was actually an extension to Groovy for making it OFBiz friendly; now we 
have a "reusable" (? by other languages) version of it... my guess is that you did 
it because you liked the ideas in it (and I appreciate it) and you thought it was useful for 
other languages as well; and you may be right about this even if, as I initially mentioned, 
I would have preferred to complete my work, or at least add a bit more to it, test the DSL 
with more poc and Minilang-->Groovy conversions before crystallizing it into an interface 
(one of the advantages in doing it in Groovy was that I could implement it without the need 
to build/restart the system)... now I have an interface and an implementation of it to take 
care of.
But I don't want to complain (*) and I will review your work closely and see 
what I can do to use it properly in Groovy. This refactoring has introduced a 
series of limitations that I am determined to resolve and it will require some 
more study around Groovy and ideas to cope with them... I really want that, if 
we will ever adopt Groovy as our next language for the applications, it will 
look as perfect and simple and natural and integrated as possible: the natural 
language for OFBiz (like Minilang is now) rather than OFBiz implemented in 

But before I proceed: what is the next step in your plan? What should go in the 
ScriptHelper interface? Am I allowed to enhance it based on my discoveries in my 
poc work (Minilang-->Groovy) or should I consider it a final interface that 
doesn't have to be modified? Should I ask before enhancing it? I don't want to 
hijack your work. And more importantly: can I assume that this helper class will 
stay light and simple? I really don't want to see it transformed into a huge class 
containing a big amount of methods from different APIs... the fact that all 
languages will potentially use it and may wish to extend it with util methods that 
make sense to them concerns me a little bit (for example, a language with weak 
support for Map handling may need utils methods to manage Maps that could be 
useless for Groovy).

Kind regards and again thank you,


(*) even if I find a bit annoying to see my work intercepted and re-routed 
while I was in the middle of it, I also appreciate the time and effort you 
spent on it and I really want to accept the fact that working in a community 
means that I have to blend and negotiate my own ideas and plans with the ones 
from others: sometimes it means that you get great help, sometimes it means 
that your own beautiful and perfect ideas are touched and rearranged to fit 
other's plans and other's beautiful ideas.
I hope that the good attitude and flexibility I am trying to apply here will be 
also used by you and others when it will be time for you to accept other's 

On Mar 13, 2012, at 12:35 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:


I committed a generic, reusable version of this idea in rev 1299924.


On 3/8/2012 6:02 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
Hi all,

I have just completed my first pass in the implementation of a DSL (Domain 
Specific Language) for OFBiz that can be used by Groovy services to act like a 
modern version of Minilang.

Please review my notes here:

I look forward to your comments and feedback but please consider that 1) it is 
a work in progress, 2) I spent a lot of time and mental energy in the effort 
(reaching simplicity is really complex task!)... so please don't be too picky 



PS: if you find it useful, I can commit the Groovy service mentioned in the 
page in Confluence

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