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Le 14/03/2012 19:34, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :
On Mar 14, 2012, at 6:33 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:


As a service provider, I regularly comment out unused applications
I would be interested to know what are the applications under the 
"applications" folder that you comment out: do you you mean web applications, 
not component

and build hot-deploy components to replace OOTB OFBiz components.
we (the company I work for) do the same extensively

I override service definitions, redefine entity definitions, etc - all in an 
effort to take what's good in OFBiz, and replace what's not-so-good
we do the same; to take the good and also to add custom features not well 
suited for the general purpose applications

. I seem to be doing a lot more of it lately
This is the approach we follow since a long time and it has proven to be 

- mostly due to components being added that break every other component.
this is another sad topic :-)
Continuous Integration with functional test is the only solution ;-)
At least with a component approach, that sort of thing can be isolated and 
dealt with.
I don't see how the tasks mentioned above are easier with the applications 
split into components.
for a business analyst point of view, it's easier to define the component boundaries and functional tests for one component than for a full application, so easier to define a Continuous-Integration Job to check if it's always ok. For developer it's easier to make correction in a well defined domain, not too large.


On 3/14/2012 5:22 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
Thank you Adrian.

Just to clarify that I was not talking about the architecture of the framework (topic for 
another day) but only for the layout of the applications and it is not based on what I 
think it is best in general but instead about what I think it is best to represent what 
we have right now: what we have right now is *one* big application (made of mostly all 
the components under the "applications" folder) that is split into chunks (the 
components) where each chunk is not built to be used alone.
I would be really interested to know from the users of the "applications" how 
many of them are removing (or not deploying) the components they do not need in their 

All in all I am trying to better represent (in a more convenient, cheaper, 
easier to maintain way) what we already have, not to suggest how the perfect 
application built on OFBiz should be. The approach that you are suggesting on 
the other hand, that is inspiring, implies a complete refactoring and redesign 
(also in terms of features) of the applications.


On Mar 14, 2012, at 6:09 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

That approach sounds very monolithic, and I tend to avoid monoliths.

I gave this subject a lot of thought about a year ago when I was working on a 
vision for a new framework 
 In particular, I was trying to devise a way for us to build a new architecture 
for OFBiz out of well-defined and self-contained parts - with the ultimate goal 
of using OSGI to connect them all together.

That goal led to only one pattern that seemed to work: Hub-and-spoke. Hubs can 
be suspended, replaced, and restarted without too much disruption because they 
affect only the spokes connected to them.

It sounds like what you're proposing is a layered pattern - like a wall built 
up of many bricks, but with an all-covering capstone on top.

I don't have a strong opinion on which approach is best, but I tend to favor 

The discussion is worthwhile, and I appreciate you starting it.


On 3/14/2012 2:37 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
In the eraly days of the project, the OFBiz applications have been designed as 
independent components to make them more reusable and because they were 
designed to be a set of reusable and generic artifacts, each of them based on a 
specific domain of the data model (order, party, product etc...).
They were not intended to be ready to be used out of the box; they were not 
intended to implement complete ERP workflows (mostly all complete real World 
workflows encompass several domains) but rather to provide some common 
artifacts (screens, forms, basic business rules) to facilitate the 
implementation of custom applications.
However over the years, they have been implemented to be used as being part of 
the same big suite of ERP applications: i.e. the building blocks of a specific 
instance of an ERP system.
Some (parts) of them have become "ready to be used" out of the box (for certain 
specific business models) by implementing more specific workflows (based on some real 
World requirements coming from companies): because of the fact that there was not a 
central design and coordination (which industry/business to implement etc...) and because 
for the same task (shipping, receiving etc...) there are thousands of different valid 
worflows we have now several workflows in OFBiz that implement similar features but in 
different alternative ways.
It is off topic here to say if this is good (the company user can choose 
between a series of choices based on the nature of its business and then 
customize/clean/complete them) or bad (a lot of duplicated code, the 
applications seem to deal with everything but they are not really really good 
for anything): however it is a reality that the applications are now more a 
suite of ERP application (one application) rather than reusable generic 
artifacts that can be plugged together.
In fact the OFBiz Applications are now a set of OFBiz components that are 
strictly interdependent at several layers (data model, service, ui).

In their current status I believe that it would be better to merge them into one big 
component, the "Apache OFBiz ERP" (or a better name).
The component will contain:
* the complete data model for the OFBiz application
* all the services (Java, Minilang)
* all data
* one web application (merged from the existing ones); even if initially we 
could do this in steps and keep them separated as they are now but under the 
same component
* one aggregated and consolidated set of ui labels

Even in one component we will have several mechanisms to categorize our 
artifacts (file names, folders) even if I would suggest to rethink them based 
on new rules (and only if we need the categorization).
We could merge a lot of files (data preparation scripts, screen definitions, 
service definitions etc...) to make them more consistent. We would also resolve 
some of the issues with inter-application links and navigation.
I am pretty sure that we could end up with less code and easier to organize and 

It will also be more practical to reuse this component and extend it from an 
external hot deploy component: you will have to extend one webapp and then 
reuse from the official component what you like.

This is just the rough ideas and there could be some variants to it: we could 
isolate all the data model and services into one component and all the 
applications (ui, screens, controllers, data prep scripts and templates) into 
another one. etc. etc. etc...

It is a lot of work but we are a big community and we like to keep us busy.

What do you think?


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