We will setup a page in the OFBiz website, for sure.
The final decision on the projects that will appear there will be done by the 
OFBiz PMC but I guess that initially it will only contain projects in Apache 
Extras; there may be exceptions to to this rule, I guess.


On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:05 AM, Sam Hamilton wrote:

> Where are we going to show the list of addons for OFBiz? Will this only be 
> limited to ones in Apache Extra's or for the people who prefer to do their 
> source hosting on say github join in too? 
> Thanks
> Sam
> On 21 Mar 2012, at 16:23, Vikas Mayur wrote:
>> Thanks Jacopo for your quick response. It clears my doubt.
>> Regards
>> Vikas
>> On Mar 21, 2012, at 1:41 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>> Hi Vikas,
>>> I am sharing my ideas about this new process (they are also based on my 
>>> reading of various documents provided by ASF):
>>> On Mar 21, 2012, at 8:58 AM, Vikas Mayur wrote:
>>>> Hi Jacopo,
>>>> I have few questions on the proposed idea for Extras.
>>>> -- Since the projects will be hosted as Apache OFBiz Extras and not 
>>>> officially under ASF, In future does this means these projects should 
>>>> strictly follow the ASF license? What if user group and/or the code 
>>>> maintainer of the project tries to change any such thing over time?
>>> No, each project will be free to decide the license; of course the ASL2.0 
>>> will make it easier to contribute code with Apache OFBiz, but it will not 
>>> be a requirement.
>>>> -- Will all committers from OFBiz other than the maintainer still have a 
>>>> commit rights to Extras? I believe maintainer would be any existing 
>>>> committer(s) or new committer(s) assigned to the project(s) in Extras.
>>> Not necessarily: the maintainer could be also a non-committer and not all 
>>> OFBiz committers will automatically get access to the project in Extras 
>>> (you have to accept the agreement with Google etc...); this is definitely 
>>> true for new projects that will start from scratch; for projects that will 
>>> be contributed by the OFBiz community (by moving components out of OFBiz) 
>>> we will ask to the maintainer to invite each OFBiz committer to become a 
>>> committer: the ones that will accept will be setup there
>>>> -- Will the OFBiz community in general still be keeping track of 
>>>> development, discussions, future of these projects or any other activities?
>>> I would like something like this: the OFBiz community could encourage (not 
>>> oblige) the external project to send status updates to the OFBiz dev list 
>>> from time to time to keep the community updated (every month/quarter or 
>>> based on activity or milestones reached); I guess that the best mechanism 
>>> will be refined over time with some experience
>>>> -- Is it necessary for Apache OFBiz Extras projects to follow the release 
>>>> policy similar to OFBiz?
>>> No
>>>> -- If no one come forward for a certain project under specialpurpose, it 
>>>> will be moved to Attic. What if, in future someone show interest in the 
>>>> project, will the project be moved Extras or not?
>>> Yes, we can resurrect all the code in our repository; the Attic page in 
>>> Confluence will help to keep track of components that we remove.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jacopo
>>>> Regards
>>>> Vikas
>>>> On Mar 18, 2012, at 2:40 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>>> In the last period the OFBiz project has grown a lot in shape: the 
>>>>> implicitly accepted (or tolerated) strategy operated by the active 
>>>>> committers was that the more features you could add to the official 
>>>>> repository the better was: you make happy the contributors, making them 
>>>>> feel like they are a part of something, and each committer could manage 
>>>>> the code implemented for his/her own projects directly in the OFBiz 
>>>>> codebase.
>>>>> We operated under the concept that, since the code if "free" and the 
>>>>> author (committer or not) is willing to contribute it, then no one 
>>>>> should/could complain if it is added to the repository, if it doesn't 
>>>>> cause immediate problems to others; all in all it is an additional 
>>>>> feature that may be used by someone else in the future or if not would 
>>>>> simply stay there without causing any harm.
>>>>> Following this strategy we got a lot of code like for example Webslinger, 
>>>>> seleniumxml, debian packages, all sort of specialpurpose applications 
>>>>> etc...
>>>>> Since there was not a central and agreed upon roadmap, no one could 
>>>>> really state that a contribution was not a good fit for the project: each 
>>>>> and every committer could add what, in his own personal vision, was good 
>>>>> for the project.
>>>>> The wrong assumption is that, since the code if "free" then it doesn't 
>>>>> harm to include it. This is completely *wrong*: the code is not *free* at 
>>>>> all because as soon as you add it to the repository then you add a future 
>>>>> cost to the community: you all know that in the software industry the 
>>>>> cost to maintain a piece of code is by far greater than the cost to write 
>>>>> it; and you *have* to maintain the code unless you want to have and 
>>>>> distribute stale code.
>>>>> And this is exactly what we have now:
>>>>> * high costs to maintain the code (e.g. I recently spent a lot of hours 
>>>>> to remove the Webslinger component)
>>>>> * stale/unused/half baked code that causes confusion and bad impression 
>>>>> to user evaluating the quality of our product
>>>>> The message to all the committers is: when you add code to the 
>>>>> repository, you are asking the community to take care of its maintenance 
>>>>> costs forever. So please, add new code only when it is really beneficial 
>>>>> to the project and to a large audience of committers and users.
>>>>> It is like feeding a wild animal at the zoo with chips: everyone knows it 
>>>>> is bad for its health but when you are there it is so nice when it picks 
>>>>> the food from your own hands and you cannot resist and have to feed it.
>>>>> OFBiz is now suffering from serious weight issues: the committers 
>>>>> community is having an hard time to maintain the huge codebase, it is 
>>>>> difficult to keep track of all the features in the system etc...
>>>>> I think it is important to start a new phase of the project and focus our 
>>>>> energy in cleanup and consolidation of what we have. One step in this 
>>>>> direction is for OFBiz to lose weight.
>>>>> In order to get the ball rolling and focus on some concrete tasks I am 
>>>>> providing here some examples of stuff that I would like to see removed 
>>>>> from the project.
>>>>> IMPORTANT: Please consider that the list is not based on what I think the 
>>>>> perfect framework should be (so PLEASE do not reply stating what your 
>>>>> ideal framework should have), but simply on the following considerations:
>>>>> * can the component be easily removed by the project? is it independent 
>>>>> and can live outside as a plugin?
>>>>> * do we need all this custom code? can't we find a simpler, lighter and 
>>>>> better way to implement this?
>>>>> * is this feature used by other code in the system?
>>>>> * is the feature functional? or is it largely incomplete?
>>>>> * is this an old component/code?
>>>>> * is this used by a lot of persons? (this is tricky to decide but you can 
>>>>> get a feeling of it by reading the mailing lists, considering commit 
>>>>> activity, the status of the feature etc...)
>>>>> DISCLAIMER: I know it will be a painful decision because each of us 
>>>>> reading this will have a connection with some of the code listed below: 
>>>>> several hours spent on it, great ideas that never came to a finished 
>>>>> plan; in fact I feel the same for a few of the things in the list.... 
>>>>> there are great ideas that didn't come to a finalization... it doesn't 
>>>>> mean that moving them out of the project will kill them and this may 
>>>>> actually help to get more visibility and different user group; so please 
>>>>> when you will read it... think to the greater good of the community.
>>>>> Legenda for what I propose for each piece of code:
>>>>> * Attic: remove from code base and document the removal for future 
>>>>> reference in this page
>>>>> * Extras: identify a person interested in maintaining the code as a 
>>>>> separate project hosted as an Apache Extra project (not officially under 
>>>>> the ASF); add a link to it from the page that will contain "OFBiz Extras"
>>>>> And now (drums)..... THE LIST - PART 1(but this is really a very first 
>>>>> pass only, PART 2 will come soon with more granular - subcomponent - 
>>>>> details):
>>>>> A) move framework/guiapp out of the framework; after all these years no 
>>>>> code made advantage of it being part of the framework and it is only used 
>>>>> by the specialpurpose/pos component (which was the component for which it 
>>>>> was built for); so guiapp can go in the pos component
>>>>> B) specialpurpose/pos: move to "Extras"
>>>>> C) $OFBIZ_HOME/debian: move to "Attic"
>>>>> D) the seleniumxml code in framework/testtools: move to "Attic"
>>>>> E) specialpurpose/workflow: move to "Attic"
>>>>> F) specialpurpose/shark: move to "Attic"
>>>>> G) specialpurpose/ofbizwebsite: move to "Attic"
>>>>> H) specialpurpose/*: move several (if not all, apart ecommerce) of the 
>>>>> components to "Extras" (if there are persons interested to become 
>>>>> committers/maintainers) or to "Attic"
>>>>> I) $OFBIZ_HOME/themes/*: move a few of them to "Attic" and a few of them 
>>>>> to "Extras"; keep just one (or two)
>>>>> J) framework/appserver: move to "Extras"
>>>>> K) framework/jetty: move to "Extras" (or "Attic")
>>>>> L) framework/birt (and related dependencies/reports spread around): move 
>>>>> to "Extras"
>>>>> M) framework/bi (and related dependencies - ecas/business rules and data 
>>>>> - spread around): move to "Extras"
>>>>> N) framework/jcr: move back into the Jackrabbit branch until the work is 
>>>>> completed and can replace the existing "content framework"
>>>>> O) framework/documents: move the content to Wiki and then move to "Attic"
>>>>> P) framework/datafile: (who is currently using it?) move to "Extras" or 
>>>>> "Attic"; we could replace it with commons-csv or similar tool
>>>>> Q) framework/example and framework/exampleext: move to specialpurpose
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Jacopo

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