Here is an update on this never-ending story for a small task :-)
All my work is now back into the trunk: this means that all the executable 
scripts (*.sh and *.bat) are now under the "tools" folder. This means that from 
now on in trunk (and in future releases from 12.04 on) in order to run the 
scripts, assuming you are in the OFBiz home folder, you will have to:
a) "cd" to the "tools" folder and then run the scripts as usual OR
b) run the scripts specifying the "tools" path; for example 

However there is a simpler way of starting a stopping OFBiz from the home 
folder (in all operating systems):
1) starting ofbiz:
ant run
2) stopping ofbiz:
ant stop

The two commands above are essentially the same of the 
startofbiz/ versions.
The OFBiz README file has been already updated to reflect these changes, so 
users will be informed.

Now we need your help/input to complete this work:

1) please test the scripts, the "ant" versions and the ones moved under the 
"tools" folder (because we had to modify them to make them work from the new 
location), in your os/platform: we did some limited tests on Linux/OSX but it 
would be great to get more feedback (especially for the Windows versions)

2) what about renaming the "ant run" task into "ant start"? In my opinion it 
will be easier to have an "ant start" and an "ant stop" commands to manage the 
OFBiz instance

3) Hans copied the original version of the start and stop scripts for 
Linux/Unix ( and back in the OFBiz home folder; Hans 
has provided several reasons for this but I will summarize here only the ones 
that (in my opinion) make sense (you can read the other thread if interested or 
Hans is free to add them here if he really thinks that what I have suppressed 
actually makes sense in this context):
3.a) backward compatibility for the Unix/Linux users: Linux users that are used 
at running the start and stop scripts from the home folder can still do this 
without having to cd to the tools folder (or use the "tools/" prefix) or 
without having to switch to the "ant" equivalents
3.b) Hans preference would be to remove these duplicated scripts from the home 
folder and replace them with symlinks (and probably provide similar ones for 
Windows) to the scripts in the "tools" folder
In my opinion adding the symlinks (or keeping the copies of the scripts in the 
home folder) for backward compatibility is not necessary... or at least it is 
something we could revisit/reconsider if people will start to complain.
Even if it will not be terrible to have them in the home folder I think it 
somewhat defeats the original purpose of this change: have a cleaner home 
folder with as less files as possible (to give more visibility to README and 
License files).
Of course old users will have to adjust to this but I don't expect it to be too 
difficult, especially if we improve our docs to help them use the "ant" 
versions more.
I know this is somewhat trivial decision (and I am sorry to bother you) but it 
seems that Hans has a strong opinion on this and before giving up and letting 
him decide for all I thought it was good to check the general feeling of the 

This is all, thank you


On Mar 24, 2012, at 7:19 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

> Part of my changes has been reverted by Hans in rev. 1304679 and 1304687 (we 
> are discussing this in another thread) but I would really appreciate if in 
> the meantime you all could help to test my changes (before the revert).
> Thanks,
> Jacopo
> On Mar 23, 2012, at 3:15 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>> Jose, Price,
>> thank you for your feedback, it really helps.
>> Jose, I have modified the script according to your suggestions, thank you.
>> I am going to commit the changes shortly.
>> Thanks,
>> Jacopo
>> On Mar 23, 2012, at 11:43 AM, Prince Sewani wrote:
>>> Hi Jacopo,
>>> Although I'm not a windows user but yes it works fine from the tools folder 
>>> on windows. 
>>> Regards
>>> Prince
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Jacopo Cappellato <>
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 3:32 PM
>>> Subject: Re: "bin" folder for executable files/scripts
>>> Actually, the /d shouldn't be required:
>>> ===========================================
>>> echo off
>>> set OFBIZ_HOME=%0\..\..\
>>> echo on
>>> cd %OFBIZ_HOME%
>>> "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -jar ofbiz.jar
>>> echo off
>>> ===========================================
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jacopo
>>> On Mar 23, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>> I did progress on this: I was able to move all the scripts to the "tools" 
>>>> folder; I didn't add the "bin" subfolder to it because the existing files 
>>>> in the "tools" folder are not used and can be removed: in this way we will 
>>>> have a "tools" folder containing all the platform dependent scripts.
>>>> But now I need some help from Windows users:
>>>> could you please try to create a "startofbiz.bat" file in the "tools" 
>>>> folder with the following content:
>>>> ===========================================
>>>> echo off
>>>> set OFBIZ_HOME=%0\..\..\
>>>> echo on
>>>> cd /d %OFBIZ_HOME%
>>>> "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -jar 
>>>> ofbiz.jar
>>>> echo off
>>>> ===========================================
>>>> Then you should try to run it from the home folder:
>>>> tools\startorfbiz.bat
>>>> and from the tools folder:
>>>> cd tools
>>>> startorfbiz.bat
>>>> Both should work fine: I already did this work for the sh files but I 
>>>> couldn't test the above mechanism for Windows.
>>>> I would really appreciate your feedback.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jacopo
>>>> On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:34 AM, Prince Sewani wrote:
>>>>> Well the 'bin' clashing with eclipse default is really a concern
>>>>> to being with, the learning curve is yet steep, and with to dos of IDE's 
>>>>> as of now,
>>>>> everyone is pretty much acquainted. Also in-case we change it to 'bin' in 
>>>>> the main folder,
>>>>> then there'll be an additional set of documentation required for that to 
>>>>> help users on different Operating systems.
>>>>> Unless we go like opentaps (felt that on a few things) and then one is 
>>>>> not really able to use it (Just a comment No offense).
>>>>> "tools/bin" sounds great, unless that also doesn't call of any other 
>>>>> clash or so.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Prince
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: Mansour Al Akeel <>
>>>>> To: 
>>>>> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 4:13 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: "bin" folder for executable files/scripts
>>>>> bin is good enough.
>>>>> On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 3:34 AM, Jacques Le Roux
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Jacopo,
>>>>>> tools/bin  sounds good to me
>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>> From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <>
>>>>>>> Thanks everyone for the valuable comments!
>>>>>>> I am trying to finalize this thread: there seems to be consensus to move
>>>>>>> all the executable scripts into a folder to keep things organized.
>>>>>>> For the name of the folder:
>>>>>>> * some of you think that the "bin" (as I originally suggested) should be
>>>>>>> used because it is often used for this purpose
>>>>>>> * some of you are worried that this could interfere with some commonly
>>>>>>> used IDEs (e.g. Eclipse) that use the bin folder for output and need to 
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>> configured to use a different standard name
>>>>>>> After reviewing what we have now in OFBiz I am wondering if we could use
>>>>>>> the already existing "tools" folder; its current layout is:
>>>>>>> tools/api-java16
>>>>>>> tools/src
>>>>>>> option a: add all the executables to tools/ folder directly
>>>>>>> option b: create a subfolder tools/bin and add all the executables there
>>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>>>> Jacopo
>>>>>>> On Feb 29, 2012, at 5:45 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>>>> Then we could recommend to name .bin for instance
>>>>>>>> But I wonder if this will not be a source of problem for newbies...
>>>>>>>> And also for Windows users, bin is not a standard name at all
>>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>> From: "Adrian Crum" <>
>>>>>>>>> That's fine with me. We just need to update the Eclipse configuration
>>>>>>>>> files.
>>>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>>>> On 2/29/2012 3:20 PM, J. Eckard wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I think that eclipse / eclipse users should have to accommodate the
>>>>>>>>>> directory structure of OFBiz, not the other way around.
>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 29, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the feedback! Any suggestion for the name of the folder? 
>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>> was hoping to use a "standard" name, that is why I initially 
>>>>>>>>>>> proposed the
>>>>>>>>>>> "bin" folder... but since that is not an option we will have to 
>>>>>>>>>>> think to
>>>>>>>>>>> something else (unless we use the existing "tools" folder but I am 
>>>>>>>>>>> not sure
>>>>>>>>>>> about the intended usage of that).
>>>>>>>>>>> Jacopo
>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 8:45 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> +1
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Adrian Crum"<>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sounds great, but don't use "bin" - that folder is created by
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eclipse and it is in the SVN ignore list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2/27/2012 7:10 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The number of executable files (*.sh and *bat) in the OFBiz home
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> folder is rather big: what if we create a "bin" folder and we 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> move all of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them there? In this way users will have a place where they will 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find all the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> executable files only and the main folder will be cleaner.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jacopo

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