If we can agree on the mini-language syntax and get a good implementation, then the next step would be to integrate it with the screen widgets. Personally, I have always wanted the screen widget <actions> element to behave the same way as the mini-language <simple-method> element. That concept can be extended further to have <simple-method> elements in the screen widget files (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-4090).


On 4/4/2012 6:41 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Hi Adrian,

This looks like a great step forward. I really wonder though if we will still have many possible syntaxes ("std minilang" (should not vary with the place it's used), bsh, grooy, uel, etc.) or if it will be more constrained

I guess you will follow David's suggestion on this?
What really bothers me with the simple-method stuff in OFBiz whenever I
use it is the inconsistency between the simple-method, screen actions,
form actions, etc, and the inconsistent handling of expressions and such
for field, from-field, value, etc attributes. Having everything use the
same XSD and having everything actually be a groovy expression (since it
is just transformed into a groovy script) made it much easier and less
frustrating to use.

I plenty agree with him. Moreover, I think we don't need many syntaxes, as long as the one provided supersedes all the others. On a long term, I can help to refactor current minilang code (which means also screens and form actions of course).



From: "Adrian Crum" <adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com>
I think I have come up with a solution to fix the mini-language code: mini-language auto-correction. If enabled, the element models correct common mistakes and save the corrections to the original file. This will still leave some warnings that will need to be fixed manually.


On 4/3/2012 2:07 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
I added parsing validation to the <set> element to see how it will work. The validation can be enabled/disabled through a property setting.

Just running the load-demo ant task generates hundreds of warnings - most of them are caused by <set> attributes being used incorrectly. On the positive side, a lot of nonsensical code is being revealed; on the negative side, the log is filled with warnings.

I'm not sure what I will do with this. If I commit the validation code, then we will have a lot of work to do to clean up the mini-language code.


On 3/8/2012 6:55 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
Some more food for thought...

Looking through the Java code, I can see that there is no runtime validation being performed. Granted, a decent XML editor will warn you about required attributes and elements and such, but not everyone uses that type of XML editor. Worse yet, there is no way to know you've done something wrong - because mini-lang hides the errors in verbose log statements. So, I would like to add runtime validation. If the script is coded improperly, then it should throw an exception.

Another change I would like to make is to remove default attribute values in the schema. From my perspective, defaults should be in the mini-language code. The wiki page has demonstrated to me how difficult it is to understand what's going on when you have to look through Java code, and then also look through the schema to see what values it is supplying. Plus, it makes me wonder how mini-language will behave when the server doesn't have access to the schema.

Which brings up another point: Once the grammar has been cleaned up, we will need a new schema. I think we need to start giving our schemas version numbers so that XML editors and runtime XML validation will work properly.


On 3/8/2012 6:19 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
On Mar 8, 2012, at 7:03 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

B) instead of:

<fail-property resource="ErrorMessages" property="FooError" />

we could have

<fail-property property="ErrorMessages.FooError" />
Keep in mind that UEL would interpret FooError as an element of a Map called ErrorMessages.

What you suggested can be done, but it will require more modifications to the UEL integration - something I try to avoid because it causes more problems than it solves. I recommend we keep the resource attribute.
Np then, I was not even sure it was a good idea and if requires customizations to uel then I agree it is not worth the effort.

Thank you,


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