On 4/20/2012 8:13 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
From: "Scott Gray" <scott.g...@hotwaxmedia.com>
On 20/04/2012, at 9:40 AM, Adam Heath wrote:

On 04/19/2012 04:28 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Hi Adam,

The recent trend is to "slim down" OFBiz. This could be one of the
Apache OFBiz Extras

If someone needs it it pick up from there, et voilĂ 

There are multiple layers.  framework/openid, which has the basic
logic, but not any of the AX extensions.  applications/openidext,
which then can pull in Person firstName/lastName, ContactMech(ICQ,
website, phone, etc).

I'd really prefer to have the former in framework.

But I guess I need to wait until I can verify it actually works before
sending it(it does internally, but I need to check it again).

Perhaps consider putting a patch in jira for review? A new folder under both applications and framework seems pretty heavy handed for something that sounds so simple. If they're both just components then there's also no reason why they need to be in OFBiz rather than distributed separately unless we know they're going to see a reasonable amount of use from the community.

I think this is going to become a recurring problem though, people will always want their components in OFBiz proper for fear of them being ignored/invisible if distributed by any other means. What this project really needs is an "extensions" website that acts as an aggregator for 3rd party components in a similar manner to firefox/chrome/jQuery/Magento/Eclipse and so manner other extensible applications. If it had a rating/review system then that could help us evaluate potential components for inclusion in the core distribution (assuming an appropriate license).

That would be great but maybe a bit out of our possibilities at the moment?

Just create a Wiki page for it like we did for third-party visual themes.


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