Le 30/04/2012 18:40, Pierre Smits a écrit :

The credit note is different to the Customer Return as it goes beyond just
the return of goods or the order return process. A credit note can also be
issued due to stating wrong prices on an invoice (as opposed to what has
been agreed upon in contracts). It might the result of a renegotiation on
pricing (effectively leading to a discount on past invoicing) It might also
be the result of resolving a dispute of another kind between supplier and
Right, but in french it's the same notion : Avoir ;)

I open a Jira  : https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-4848

Thanks for your comments pierre.

Regading which JIRA Issue have you created a patch? So I can have a look
and test.



2012/4/30 Nicolas Malin<malin.nico...@librenberry.net>

Hi all,

At present, credit note is managed by Customer Return Invoice
(CUST_RTN_INVOICE) and generated by an order return process.
if I am not mistaken, I didn't found how to generate a Credit Note from an
existing invoice. Is Credit Note different than Customer Return or is same
notion (My poor english limit me, for french : est ce que l'Avoir
correspond à la notion même notion portée par le type de facture "Articles

If is same notion, I have created a patch to generate a Customer Return
from a sale invoice but the copyInvoice service and I will open a jira to
submit it. Else it will imply to add a new invoice type.

your suggests ?


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet : http://www.neogia.org/
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site : http://www.librenberry.net/

Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet : http://www.neogia.org/
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site : http://www.librenberry.net/

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