On 05/12/2012 04:01 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

On May 10, 2012, at 6:23 PM, Adam Heath wrote:

On 05/10/2012 11:16 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:
The scripts are helpful if you have a Subversion client that runs from
the command line. Some of us use a graphical Subversion client - like
Tortoise, or the Eclipse plugin.

Which brings up another thought I had.  Maybe converting these to a
series of ant build.xml snippets.

I really like the idea: ideally we should only keep two platform dependent scripts, "ant" and 
"ant.bat" (even if it would be nice to rename them "ofbiz" or similar to avoid the risk 
of running a different version of ant), and all the remaining tools can be implemented as ant targets.

startofbiz.sh(and stop) should remain shell scripts. java is not exactly light-weight, and using ant would have 2 javas running.

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